**Please Help** I am 2 weeks out of Lap RNY and cant drink the protein shakes.....
I have tried the protein shakes with milk and they make me sick. I tried the Isopure they do the same I also tried 100% Soy Protein that has no taste well it does have a taste thats worse then the protein shakes with milk. PLEASE I need your Suggestions on what I can do I worried that I will not get enough protein in. Also all the protein drink that make me sick stop me from eating I am at like 1 small meal a day. So I know I depend on food for the protein. Please Help Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! — alicia128 (posted on July 10, 2008)
July 10, 2008
You need your daily protein levels at 70grams or so. Protein supplements
are needed or you will suffer muscle mass loss. Try GNC, as they usually
have some samples, if you ask for them. OR, you could Google for Vitalady,
and I understand she has several sample packs of several protein shakes in
a "package deal" available for sale. Find some kind of protein.
Whey protein isolate is the best, unless you are lactose intolerant. I used
the Isolpure protein shakes made with just water in a Magic Bullet to make
sure they were thoroughly blended. DAVE
— Dave Chambers
July 10, 2008
I had the same problem,the protien made me very sick my Drs. office gave me
a sample of UNJURY Chicken soup it is a protien drink you make it warm like
soup and its the only thing I could tollerate. You have to order it on line
at . I just had my surgery May 12/ 08 so all this is new to me
too. Good luck I hope this helps. carol66
— carol66
July 10, 2008
I know how you feel. I was the sameway. After surgery I could on longer
handle milk and I'm still that way. I use all the whey protein. Go to they have some specialy formulated for WLS pt. I got the
banana one and mixed in with orange crystal lite and it very good
— Kjackson2
July 10, 2008
I had the same problem 4 1/2 years ago, newly post op. I became lactose
intolerant almost immediately And so whey and milk was totally off the
menu...I did what I could with pureed chicken...I made it into a paste with
cooked carrots and mixed it in broths...I made sure I got eggs every morn
and ate every 3 hours (PROTEIN) So for breakfast I had egg beaters
scrambled...later cottage cheese...chicken broth with the pureed
stuff...peanutbutter with a whole wheat cracker...I tried mixing a little
protein powders in pudding and jello or even mashed potatoes...I got the
unflavored kind from GNC and could only tolerate a tiny bit...but it was
better than nothing. I spent the first 3 months eating this way...Later I
was able to chew food and little more...I could tolerate the Isopure Clear
bottles...I would drink 1 in three days...I didn't particularly like them,
but I could tolerate them. I started taking "Cheramino" which is
not a complete protein but helped with muscle building and with other
proteins in my diet together completed the protein chains. It helped me
build muscle quite nicely...I still use it when I work out hard...(which is
less than I should, I'm sure) The taste is a bit like very ripe (almost
rotten) cherries...And it's thick...BUT it's done in two tablespoons and a
few sips of water...It didn't make my belly ache like whey...Your tastes
will change as your body gets out of Ketosis (burning all that fat and
muscle) and you will be begin to like some things that you don't now. The
first year is very different...Then slowly things become normal...kind of!
Good luck...I hope you find something to keep your protein levels up for
now...Eventually you'll be able to eat your protein much easier...Usually
after the 3rd month...and by 6 mos, you're really moving towards normal
food again. (healthy normal food, that is!)
— .Anita R.
July 10, 2008
I am 3 months post-op and still strugling with protein. Try mixing some in
your SF anything. I also found that I can tolerate the Any
Whey protein bullets. I by the 42 gm ones in fruit punch flavor. Three
swallows and I have taken 1/2 of it. The other 3 swallowa in the evening.
Try carbmaster yogurt for 12 more have to get inventive. I get
the bullets at Vitamin Shoppe and they can be ordered on line also. Good
luck. Oh the Unjury Chicken Soup is pretty good and something warm wakes
the pouty pouch gently and makes her happy.
— Gena L.
July 10, 2008
I am 3 months post-op and still strugling with protein. Try mixing some in
your SF anything. I also found that I can tolerate the Any
Whey protein bullets. I by the 42 gm ones in fruit punch flavor. Three
swallows and I have taken 1/2 of it. The other 3 swallowa in the evening.
Try carbmaster yogurt for 12 more have to get inventive. I get
the bullets at Vitamin Shoppe and they can be ordered on line also. Good
luck. Oh the Unjury Chicken Soup is pretty good and something warm wakes
the pouty pouch gently and makes her happy.
— Gena L.
July 10, 2008
I haven't had my surgery yet,it's on 7/15. But go to
they have flavored and Unflavored protien. The unflavored you can add to
any pudding or soup or anything else you like. They have it in 20 mg
sleeves and the large containers.
Good Luck!
— Beachpaws
July 10, 2008
You can go to and get 'sample packs' of various types
of protein drinks. Check out the nectar ones...they are very smooth like
juice....I had one that was cantelope flavored and it really was good...and
they don't take a lot of water to mix them, so there's not a lot of
drinking to get it down. I am 2 years post WLS and still occasionally
drink these drinks when I need a protein boost if I haven't eaten enough
for the day. I still cannot stomach the 'chocolatey' types of drinks.
Everyone reacts different to different types of drinks. As you progress,
you'll also notice that you may have problems with the texture of
foods...things you used to love, you'll hate...things you used to hate
you'll love. It's all trial and error. Getting samples of drinks, no
matter where you get them, helps because it's not cheap to buy a big
canister of a mix to find out you can't drink it. Once you progress to
softer foods...try Muscle Milk and comes in a variety of flavors
and is very like regular oatmeal. I tried some other brand when I came to
the U.S. last year and couldn't eat was disgusting! If you can
find a low-sugar one, you can also try mixing your drinks w/soy milk rather
than regular milk. I can drink milk, but only a small glass at a time.
Good luck. It does get easier.
— Hollywog
July 10, 2008
I am 10 weeks postop and could not tolerate the protein shakes. GNC and the
Vitamin store sell NewWhey liquid protein in 3 flavors, Grape, Orange and
Fruitpunch. I like the grape...kinda taste like grape jello. Each tube is
3.1 ounces and gives you 42g of protein. I usually sip one in each morning
and I am over half way to my daily protein requirement. You can purchase
them individually or purchase a box of 24. Hope this helps.
— Y. Carroll
July 10, 2008
I had the same problem at first an had to try lots of different things the
two that i did the best with were nectar which i put in cyytal light or
water and that was good also now i do pure protein which i buy at supper
suplements or i think that gnc also carrys it comes in several flavors
vanilla is my favorite hang in there it does get better carli
— carli brown
July 10, 2008
Just to clarify, whey is a by product of milk- does contain lactose so if
you can't tolerate milk, you shouldn't be able to tolerate whey either. I
would suggest soy products. This is what I have had to do for the most
Keep trying anything you can get your hands on so that you can get in
I like protein puddings and peanut butter when I can't get anything else
— DawnVic
July 10, 2008
If you have a Vitamine Shoppe near you they carry and fairly new product
New Whey Liquid comes in a plastic container that looks like a has 42 grams of protein and taste like a jello shot with out
the goes down easy gives you over half the dailey protein
required and it comes in several different fruit flavors........if you ask
they will sell it to you at thier own line price.......
I also use a powder protein with a handful of fresh ( frozen)strawberries
and a few (frozen )slices of bananna.......protin soy milk and put that in
my Magic Bullet and it is yummy!!!!!
Pam / Ft Worth.....Bandster Bites [email protected]
July 10, 2008
Alicia, it sounds like you and I are on the same timeline. I had surgery
on 6/24. Like you, I am having trouble with the proteins. If you can eat
soft foods, try refried beans with melted cheese. It at least seems to go
down and I don't have to tolerate as much of the nasty stuff. Good Luck!
— stargazer45133
July 10, 2008
Any of these are what I use:
1.) Champion ProScore 100 choco + 8 oz water + ice, blended (hand blender
or Magic Bullet).
2.) Champion Pure Whey Stack choco + 6-8 oz water, shaken.
3.) IDS vanilla-cinnamon + "glop" of DaVinci sugar free caramel
sauce + 8 oz water + ice, blended.
4.) the PWS chco + the van-cin (50/50) in about 10 oz hot water, stirred or
hand blender.
They deliver 30g protein, less than 3g sugar, less than 200 calories, when
made with water.
Lately I've been adding a shake of cinnamon to my hot ones since cinnamon
fights belly fat.
I always put 1 scoop of UpCal D powder in (500mg calcium citrate, 250 IU of
vit D3).
— vitalady
July 10, 2008
Hi, I have read where other people have recommended the Unjury. Here is a
good solution for you. Buy the VANILLA flavored Unjury and get yourself
some Swiss Miss diet hot chocolate (25 calories and 2 grams of protein
each). Then heat your water and add in 1 pack of hot chocolate mix or if
you are like me, make it a tall cup of hot chocolate with 2 packs of swiss
miss chocolate mix. Don't fill the cup all the way to the brim with hot
water, leave about an inch and a half from the top. Then after your water
is hot, add the chocolate mix. Stir well, and I always add a little packet
of splenda extra, cause i like it sweet! Then add a half of a cup of skim
milk to cool it and also adds 4 gms of protein as well.
Once you do that sprinkle cinnamon if you like in the mixture, and add one
scoop of Vanilla Unjury, for a total of 28 grams of protein and a wonderful
tasting hot chocolate drink. Hope this helps. Hugs, Margaret
— largeangel
July 10, 2008
I use this Lean Body ready to drink - it's very good. Here's a link.
— HeleneB
July 10, 2008
Smoothy king saved my life. If you do not have a smoothy king try making
your own. whey protein- 1 scoop with 8 ice cubes, 1/4 cup of fruit 1/2 cup
yogurt-vanilla non fat and a 1/4 cup of water.
— Jenna21fl
July 10, 2008
Hi, I had the same problem! Was so frustrated! Then I tried:
GNC Pro Performance 100% Whey Protein Shake (I love the chocolate)
1- It tastes GOOD
2- you mix with water
3- 20g protein per 8az
Good work!
— deludel
July 10, 2008
I love smoothie King. The Gladiator gives you 45 grams of Protein in a 20
oz serving. Plus you can add more protein or vitamins to it if you need.
You can pick any 2 fruits to go in it. Sometimes I get several and freeze
them. It is better fresh but in a pinch you know you can defrost one and
go. I like strawberry and Kiwi. They are yummy!
— azoreangal
July 10, 2008
I love smoothie King. The Gladiator gives you 45 grams of Protein in a 20
oz serving. Plus you can add more protein or vitamins to it if you need.
You can pick any 2 fruits to go in it. Sometimes I get several and freeze
them. It is better fresh but in a pinch you know you can defrost one and
go. I like strawberry and Kiwi. They are yummy! Jay Robbs protein mixes
are great and don't have as much air in them so you can get more protein
down before getting too full.
— azoreangal
July 11, 2008
Wow! So much good information here! I find I can't use milk, but
I can tolerate yogurt. And, how about egg white powder; it is a great
source of protein. This is what I am using and I had surgery on June 23rd.
I am using the vegetarian refried
beans with cheese; creamed soups (Amy's is a great brand). The danger for
Isopure liquid is that I tend to drink it instead of water. I aso love
cottage cheese...but do try the egg white powder; I put it into something
called Kefir...
which is a liquid yogurt and it settles great. Hope this helps.
Mikel Kleess
— Mikelanne
July 11, 2008
First let me say, i know what ya mean! Most of us have had some type of
protein problem. This is what i do. In the morning i use 1/2 cup of coffee
with 2 scoops of EAS protein, i buy it from Sams or walmart, chocolate 23
grams of protein each scoop, mix with coffe and a splash of 1/2 and
1/2..Taste like a can even put a drop of sf whipped topping onit
with a splash of sf choco for a real mocha from Starbusck!! This is my
favorite way to wake up in the morning. Sometimes i even do this 2 times a
day !! The protein bullets are great. My dr told me if i use the bullets to
do a whole one 42 grams because you will only get about 20-30 grams out of
it. not sure why, so i have begun to take one whole one for lunch at work .
at night i try to make a frozen shake, i love the EAS it taste chocolately
not yuncky..i have not tried the vanilla. Good Luck....
— Terri C.
July 11, 2008
You may have become lactose intolerant. Try using Silk soy milk and see if
it improves. I am 9 wks out and still am unable to handle the protein
shakes, they are just too filling for too long and I can't finish 8 oz in
an hour. I use the New Whey Bullets (42g) to get a big dose of protein in
3 oz of liquid. To me it tastes absolutely horrible. But I have learned
to take a mouthful then wash it down with some flavored drink to get it in.
Try eating a slice of american cheese, peanut butter, yogurt with some
protein powder, soft boiled egg, beans, lentils. These foods will help you
get some protein. You may only be able to eat a tablespoon or so but a bit
at a time is better than none. Protein fills you up and part of feeling
bad is because you are so full from the protein. My docs office says it
can take as much as 30 minutes to complete your meals whether it is liquid
protein or chewed to a mush protein. Just put a small bit in your mouth at
a time, wait a minute or two before taking another bite. In a few weeks
you can try the shakes again and try to determine if it is the full feeling
that makes you feel bad or lactose intolerance. Make sure you eat very
slowly. I still struggle to remember to slow down with the first bite or
two cause i put food in my mouth in the "old habit" way of
eating... fast and furious. My pouch warns me that this is not going to
work and I back off and take small spaced out bites and can handle a few
ounces of my protein food of choice. Remember to not eat or drink within
30 minutes of each other. Water will go down around the solids and force
them up You will feel horrible when that happens. Congrats on the life
change and sip all you can. Whey protein is best in supplements.
— Tina P.
July 11, 2008
Carnation Instant Breakfast No sugar added. You can make it with soy milk,
rice milk, whatever or mix it into applesauce or oatmeal.
— mrsidknee
July 11, 2008
Like many others said, milk could be the main culprit. I had that too and
now that I'm almost 6 months out, it's better. But for now, try mixing
your protein with water and ice instead of milk. MIlk just makes it too
thick! Everyone has to find their own "recipes" that work, but
for me I use 1/2 water, 1/2 soy slender soy milk (it comes in chocolate,
vanilla or cappuchino and does not have added sugar) about 1/4 c crushed
ice and then my protein powder. Sometimes I add a packet of splenda if I
want a little more sweetness, it depends on the protein. I sampled tons of
them from Vitalady, she has very reasonably priced samples of EVERY one of
their proteins. Anyway, I like Champion Whey Stack the best, and I also
have used Designer which is much less expensive and you can find it lots of
places. Another one that helped me in the beginning was EAS advantage
shakes which can be found at target or walmart. Not thick at all but
decent flavor and 17 grams of protein in each one. I feel for you, I
really struggled in the beginning too. Everything will get better! email
me anytime you want.
— Nanci H.
July 11, 2008
For liquid protein, Whole Foods has egg protein, soy, whey, and others in
flavors, many in small packets so you can try them first. And goats milk
protein. There's also pea protein powder, not at whole foods but you can
find it online. I pureed meat with a lot of broth so it was really runny,
use lofat turkey or beef. You'll figure out what works for you
— Susan C.
July 20, 2008
Any of these are what I use:
1.) Champion ProScore 100 choco + 8 oz water + ice, blended (hand blender
or Magic Bullet).
2.) Champion Pure Whey Stack choco + 6-8 oz water, shaken.
3.) IDS vanilla-cinnamon + "glop" of DaVinci sugar free caramel
sauce + 8 oz water + ice, blended.
4.) the PWS chco + the van-cin (50/50) in about 10 oz hot water, stirred or
hand blender.
They deliver 30g protein, less than 3g sugar, less than 200 calories, when
made with water.
Lately I've been adding a shake of cinnamon to my hot ones since cinnamon
fights belly fat.
I always put 1 scoop of UpCal D powder in (500mg calcium citrate, 250 IU of
vit D3).
— vitalady
August 25, 2008
I have had trouble with this also. The solution that I found is at GNC or
at They are called New Whey. They come in 4 different
flavors, my opinion is only good flavor is fruit punch. For 3.3oz you get
42 grams of protein. The liquid is very thick, but just think, 3 oz.
versus 20 oz. Which would you prefer???? Hope this helps. Tara Q.
— taraq
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