Hi everyone, I'm 11 months post-op and I found out today that i'm pregnant. My wls

doctor is closed today. What do I need to do first. I'm very confident that we are healthy, my blood work has been good. My weight had started to taper off.    — Vanessa Dates (posted on March 21, 2008)

March 21, 2008
First of all CONGRATULATIONS. I know doctors like us to wait about 2 years to get pregnant but sometimes the Lord has other plans for us. I got pregnant 6 weeks after my WLS and that was the easiest pregnancy I had. Call your OB on Monday and make sure to let them know you had WLS (mine had me come in the next day because of my history of m/c). She did an ultra sound to see how far along i was (13 weeks) and started me on double the prenatal vitamins because of the WLS. She also had me go see a high risk OB as a precaution (age 37 & WLS). The doctor had me graze so the baby and I could get as much nutrition as possible. I didn't gain any weight until my 7th month. By the time I gave birth I had gained 22lbs and lost all of that within 2 weeks of giving birth. She will be 4 in May and is a very healthy bll of energy.
   — badkidzmom

March 21, 2008
Hi Vanessa! Donna gave a wonderful post. Congratulations. I am sure all will be just fine. Keep us posted. pat
   — pjennjr

March 21, 2008
First - Wahooo!!! Congratulations! The rest, I dunno, never been pregnant - but thrilled for you!
   — 29Diesel

March 22, 2008
Congratulations. I had my 2nd child after my surgery. Ideally, doctor's like you to be past the 1 year mark before getting pregnant. But you are 11 months post-op and that's no problem. Contact your OB/GYN and schedule an appointment ASAP. Than you should contact the doctor that performed your surgery and make an appointment with him/her. They will want to follow you closely. The one huge problem I encountered occurred in my 3rd trimester. The baby was taking all of my vitamins from me and I ended up having B12 and Iron administered to my by IV every couple of weeks. Me and my daughter are safe and healthy. In fact she just turned 4 last week. She takes ballet class, does gymnastics, is very athletic and eats extremely healthy. Just pay close attention to your doctor's orders. If you have any other questions you can e-mail me at [email protected] Good Luck!!! Kelly
   — Kelly T.

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