Has anyone experienced feeling cold all the time or colder than usual after surgery?

   — Sandyhnc (posted on January 10, 2008)

January 10, 2008
Yes we store estrogen in our fat cells and losing weight fast will deposit all that estrogen in your system quickly and that is the reason we we are always so cold.
   — Cira S.

January 10, 2008
Yeah just as Cira stated. BEfore my surgery I was NEVER cold and now I'm like a ice cube!
   — TattooGirl1982

January 10, 2008
After losing over 200 pounds I am cold ALL the time. Before surgery I would sweat "thinking" about walking to the fridge.........LOL
   — MCraig3

January 10, 2008
Additionally, at least for me, as part of my surgeon's protocol you receive injections of Lovonox (sp?) each day after following surgery and you go home with a 7 day supply of injections. These are blood thinners and they stay in your system for a while. This also adds to the state of "I'm freezing to death!"
   — LuvNSummer

January 10, 2008
Most people will feel colder after they loose weight. After all, you've had layers of fat to insulate your body for so many years. I used to wear a t shirt and shorts and sandals all year long in California. I had surgery in May 2006. Now I have to wear shoes pants or sweat pants, a t shirt and a shirt over that. Only during the heat of the summer can I resort to my old way of dressing.
   — Dave Chambers

January 10, 2008
Yes indeed. I am running much cooler than before surgery. I work with undershirts and multiple layers of clothing now. I freeze at night no matter what the temperature is outside.
   — Anna C.

January 10, 2008
I am always Cold.. Freezing.. to be exact.. I purchased a body latex suit, the kind for excersing, and wear it under my clothes and not so cold this week... Just brought it... I am going to buy more... Good luck cynthia
   — babesintoyland

January 10, 2008
Yup!! I'm cold all the time. I have to sleep with two comforters and a blanket and long sleeved shirts and long pants everyday, an I live in Texas where it doesn't really get that cold!!! I even have a mini heater at my desk to help with my coldness at work!!!
   — Tania_B.

January 10, 2008
Oh, yes! My husband and I are now the same temperature. He is delighted because I don't complain when he turns on the heater.
   — pjennjr

January 10, 2008
13 months out and still cold! I live in CA and just spent two weeks in Colorado-I have never been so cold in my life..I just couldn't get warm..smaller body..less's a small price to pay!
   — Kristi S.

January 10, 2008
I'm 4 days out from laparoscopic RNY...and I was always the hot one, complaining that it was too I'd love the ac/heater to be set at 66-68 all year I am wearing two layers of clothing and can see the goose bumps on my arms...I chock it up to a low grade fever I have (since I haven't dropped massive amts of weight yet), and the fact that I'm not bustling around as I was before surgery....hth...Michelle
   — Michelle M.

January 10, 2008
at 5 1/2 yrs out of open rny im a ice box.
   — deb44m

January 10, 2008
I am so glad to hear that I haven't lost my mind. I just told my husband last night that I thought the doctor had taken out my "heater" instead of my gallbladder. I have never been cold in my whole life, so this is a HUGE difference in my life. I wear a sweater around the house night and day! Turn the heater UP (never happened before surgery) at night and in the daytime. It is a really weird feeling to me, nice and normal, but very weird!!
   — ladonna08

January 10, 2008
Yes I am always cold. I ahve lost 82 pounds and I am always freezing.
   — Alvernlaw

January 10, 2008
I think being cold has a few factors. First of all, we have lost weight. I am cold most of the time, even in the summer. But if you notice, older people also begin to wear sweaters in the summer as well. I think, for me, at 47, that this is also a factor. I wear tee shirts under my shirts, and layer up over that. I have 3 shirts on this morning, plus bra, and am still chilly. I bought a pair of "under armor" for my legs when it is cold and wear them under slacks. It helps a lot. Sometimes 2 pair of socks. I live in Nebraska, so it gets cold here in the winter. I don't have to layer too much in the summer, but some days I am cold anyway and use layers. It is natural, and I will take that to being obese. You can always put on more clothes. Take care. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

January 11, 2008
Yep. Amazing what happens when you lose the fat.
   — Carlyn M.

January 11, 2008
Oh, Yes! Male or Female is going to feel cold with that blanket of fat coming off. Before I could not walk across the room without swetting. I can take the cold because it gives me a reson to snuggle up to someone close, and know that they are not ofended by my former layer of fat.
   — William (Bill) wmil

January 11, 2008
Same here. It is normal. Sometimes I am sooo chilled that I take my temperture to make sure I dont have a fever.
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 11, 2008
I was always too warm prior to the surgery and now it's the exact opposite, especially at night or when I'm tired. Most of the people I've talked to have had the same problem.
   — Kathy H.

January 11, 2008
I just had my surgery on Wednesday. I woke up in recovery freezing and I still am. I am usually the one turning the fan on in the middle of the night and my husbands lips are blue. I For me isn't not weight loss but probably the blood thinner.
   — changemyshape

January 12, 2008
I'm male and I can never get warm. My feet and hands are always cold. But on the bright side I lost 100 lbs in six months.
   — John C.

January 12, 2008
I been colder since my surgery in june of this year, but then I am going throw hot flashes so it welcome. My feet and hands are mostly the cold ones.
   — carman

January 15, 2008
Like all of you, I am always soooo cold.. But, can someone explain why after I has the operation over two years. Plus I have gained almost 40 lbs back. Which is OK, because the doctor said to be 170 and now I am about 200. What is the reason when I gained the weight am I still so cold?
   — Carol Giusto

January 17, 2008
My hands and feet have been really cold since i've had my surgery. I'm 6 weeks out and feeling cold all the time.
   — eliza2378

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