What happens to my stomach that is not used after surgery.

I would like to know if the part of my stomach that will not be used will remain there or die out and be absorbed into my system. I would just like to know what will happen with it.    — doldes (posted on January 6, 2008)

January 6, 2008
told me at my consultation yesterday that it lies dormant
   — jessie2501

January 6, 2008
They leave it inside you as the part of the intestines that are still attached to it will help aid in digestion using the acid that's in it.
   — crystalsno

January 6, 2008
It is my understanding that in the RNY it is tacked up and stays there as a remnant. I had the DS (duodenalswitch) which is a reduction in the size of the stomach but stomach is still intact and functioning as before.
   — SameButDifferent

January 6, 2008
The stomach that is stapled off continues to do a job. It supplies digestive juices that are utilized in your intestines.
   — Shirley D.

January 6, 2008
Just went through the surgery 4 days ago. The stomach will just be stapled off and it will continue to lie there. Good Luck!! LaDonna
   — ladonna08

January 6, 2008
Your stomach is attached to the last third of your small Intestine by the first third of the small Intestine. The second third of your small intestine was attached to your new pouch (stomach). The original stomach produces acid which is carried to the last third of the small intestine to help in food digestive before passing to the large Intestine (colon). Because you do not have the first third of your small intestine processing food, you do not absorb fat or sugar easily as you did prior to surgery. This greatly reduces your ability to eat large quantities of fat or sugar following surgery without becoming ill (dumping). The Surgery is reversible, because all the original parts are still in tact. It is a sound way for those of us that could diet but never get the majority of our weight off to have a longer and more normal life.
   — William (Bill) wmil

January 7, 2008
One minor (major) correction. We DO absorb sugar...I believe we absorb it anywhere in the alimentary system. In fact for me, I think I absorb it when I walk past! Fat, we don't absorb so well, so that part is correct. Don't get into the mind set that we don't absorb sugar...I think it begins to absorb in our mouths...honestly. Regards~
   — Statuesque

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