has anyone had thier band removed

I was banded 2-2-07, as of sep 1 have lost 125 lbs. I have spent the last 2 1/2 months in excruciating pain, numerous visits and stays in the hospital. Everyone kept telling me that it was my band, I kept telling them that it wasn't. I threw up blood this whole time and everyone blamed the band. I finally after 2 wks in the hospital and 12 er visits did a google search and found out i was having gall bladder attacks. 1 more trip to the ER, they wanted to send me home again and I told them not until they check my gall bladder, I had surgery later that day In the interium of all this, they did a scope of my stomach and upper GI. well they didn't take out my fill like I told them to and I think that they pulled my stomach back through my band. They came back in, told me that they thought that my band had slipped, they were going to hydrate me, morophine me up and they released me.(this is at a hospital that does bariatric surgery) I was forced to make an emergency trip to my surgeorn , where my band had to be removed because my stomach was pulled back through the band, I am devistated, this was the only tool that has worked for me, so not only am I out all the money I spent to get the band in the first place, I have now incurred over $15-20,000 more in medical bills, the money issue sucks yeah, but they will get what they get when I give it to them, it is the fear and reality that I don't have my band anymore, the hunger pains are back, as bad if not worse than before, I am terrified of ever going back to where I was, I have already gained almost 20 lbs back in3 weeks, I know that 10-15 was simply getting re-hydrated, they couldn't even find a vein to put in an IV. Please, I need help and support to get through this. I have cried for 3 weeks, It took everything I had and more to get this surgery in the first place, I will never be able to afford to have the band put back in, even when the swelling and everything goes down. I know that the depression is only sabotaging the weight loss, but to finally feel normal again after so many years of being Morbidly obese. I am scared out of my mind to ever have to go back to that. I really would rather die than ever be that overweight again. If anyone has ever gone through this, please help me. I really need some help and support right now... thanks and god bless and yes my signature trade is beautiful, and I know that this too shall pass. thanks    — mccabesmom (posted on September 20, 2007)

September 20, 2007
Bonnie, I'm so sorry to hear about your troubles, it just SUCKED when I read you post, I feel for you. Hopefully you can hold someone accountable for. Please look into that it might help with the medical bills & future surgery. I love your signature trade mark. God Bless & Take Care Leslie
   — leslieanne729

September 20, 2007
Gahhh darn it I feel really freakin bad for you. I wish money was not an issue for someone's health. I haven't been banded yet and feel empowered by how much your worked for you that when my days comes that I can make mine work too. Is there any where you can find a job that has benefits that would cover having one put in? Then again what am I saying you've lost 125 you might not have a "medical weight" issue any longer. When I started working where I do I was shocked and had my hope renewed that I could get a band when I heard some people had gotten it covered here. Maybe this can happen for you too. Until then I will think good thoughts for you. If you ever need someone to talk to drop by my profile I'm online often.
   — Steph Meat Hag

September 20, 2007
You need to meet with your surgeon and then with a lawyer. If the hospital truely botched the band (it wouldn't be the first time) then they would be legally responsible for a replacement and should also eat some of the medical charges for the other stuff. I know lawyers are expensive but check with area law schools. Most have law students have to do a praticum and they are either free or on a sliding fee scale. I do think you have a legal leg to stand on.
   — Lost4Ever

September 20, 2007
In your posting I feel your pain and hear your worry and frustration. You have been thru so much. I am so sorry. I agree with the other posters that you do need to consult a lawyer and hopefully will be able to have the surgery done again and not on your dime. I will keep you in my prayers.
   — Stacey D.

September 20, 2007
You are right - life is beautiful and that this too shall pass -- you bet your butt!!! I would first start by calling the hospital administrator where you had the gall bladder surgery. Next I would talk to my surgeon and lawyer (as mentioned above). I KNOW you have a case. Do not be depressed - BE MAD and TAKE ACTION. I will keep you in my thoughts. Please let us know how you're doing -- a friend
   — dthomp

September 20, 2007
Dear Bonnie, You must take control of this dreadful situation. Document what happened to you, demand hospital records and be prepared to confront the system. Go on TV if you have to. Write a factual editorial. Show up at the Board of Directors meeting of the hospital. Lousy care was dealt to you. Get a lawyer to work on a percentage any settlement. You will gain strength from the process whether you get justice or not. Refuse to pay the hospital for its lousy care. Make some noise. Refuse to be victimized. I am angry about what has happened to you. I suggest renting the film "What's Eating Gilbert Grape" where an obese mother musters all her dignity to go to the public defense of her child, knowing she will be ridiculed for her size. She rises to the occasion and fights. I found it inspiring. Prioritize your grievances in this disaster and tackle them one by one. My best wishes to you. Carmen
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 20, 2007

   — AllieT

September 20, 2007
Hi Bonnie.I`m so sorry you are having to go through all of this.This is just awful.I agree with everyone else.This does sound like the hospital`s neglegence.You should not have had to make that many ER visits and they have your records there,they knew you had the band.You can find Lawyers that say they don`t collect unless you win your case.Or,if you are low income check with Legal aid for an attorney.But you have a case here.Don`t let them get away with this.You`ve come too far and have paid too much(in more ways than cash)to get this done to better your health.Good luck.I hope everything turns out ok for you. KimberlyB
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 20, 2007
I agree, I would see a lawyer. The people who did the uppr GI should have listened to you and should have emptied your band. It seems to me they are responsible for the problem and you should not have to pay for their mistake. A lawyer might be expensive, but there are those who only collect when they win a case. Good luck. I feel for you, I too finally feel like a "normal" human being and my biggest fear is gaining everything back.
   — Debra R.

September 20, 2007
I don't have but one answer for you and that is give this big probelm to GOD he will fix it for you. I don't know you but I will say a pray for you that everything works out very well for you.
   — mommamai

September 21, 2007
Bonnie, I am SO sorry for your circumstances. I can relate to the fear of regaining weight, even though it is drilled into us the band is only a "tool" and we are supposed to learn how to make it work for us...I too had to have my band emptied because I was vommiting EVERYTHING, even water. Sure, I really lost some significant weight during that time, but I was sooooo miserable, had gone on a preplanned cruise and really did not get to enjoy it because of the nausea. I wish I could tell you things will get better, but as a fellow bandster, I am sure you know most of our weight issues are based on what's in our head (emotions) and unitl we can learn to separate them from the comfort we get from food, we will always have weight issues. While I was without fluid, over a course of 7 months, I gained back 50#. Can you say DEVASTATED? 8 weeks ago, the insurance approval finally came through for the hospital testing the doctor wanted to do before refilling the band. Even with a refill of 2cc's , I managed to put on 4 more pounds despite feeling that I was eating less and definitely NOT eating garbage food. I feel like I too am starting at the beginning again. In fact, one thing I am thinking about is seeking therapy with a therapist that works specifically with obesity/weight issues. That is something you may want to consider, hopefully you have insurance that would cover alternative solutions, I don't know. I do know there are many behavioral health specialists that work with companies that provide services on sliding scales. Not knowing where you live, I can't say whether this would be available to you, but it might be something you decide to check into. Also, thank God for these sites that offer non judgmental, honest support from others. These have helped me so much. There's also self help books to teach you that it is okay to put yourself FIRST before using up your energy taking care/lending support to others. From the bottom of my heart, I hope somehow you are able to get whatever assistance you can for your dilemma. Do you know how (or even if any exist) or where you might be able to find a practice/physician/clinic that offers pro-bono or at least cost adjustment services? Wouldn't it be great if some physician would actually respond to your cry for help. Good luck, my prayers are with you.
   — robin B.

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