HELP!!!!!!!!! I've gained 20 lb. in about 4 months!!!!!!!!!!!

I had RNY May '01. I started at 275, and leveled off at 150. I went through a pregnancy , even, and remained 150 after giving birth. I had my uterus and one ovary removed 4 mo. after the baby was born with no problems. I had my other ovary removed Nov. 05. I still had no problem with weight even on hormones, but they weren't helping me, so since Aug. '06, I've been on a hormone therapy that involves placing pellets containing the hormones under the skin of the hip. This therapy has greatly helped me, but since starting it, I have gained 20 lb. before I knew it. I feel like I did when I was I'm out of control, because I realize the problem, and I HATE IT!!! I NEVER want to be that way again, but I cannot seem to get motivated to get rid of these lbs. before it really does get out of control. I would love for someone who may have experienced something similar and overcame it, to please share with me what you may have done to get started. I know if I can get started, and begin to lose, then I will start to feel motivated more and more, but I have to get started first. Please, someone that can relate to me, give me some advice. Thank you in advance!    — sewmama30 (posted on January 29, 2007)

January 29, 2007
I have not been through wls yet, but i want to tell you to get serious and start your diet now!! In 4 months you could gain another 20 lbs. That thought should motivate you more than anything! Good luck1
   — longislandamy

January 29, 2007 I've included the link to the Grad group aps I often do with long term wt gain. Since your surgery is so old, have you had your mechanics checked to be sure there is no broken part? While it could be your meds, surely there are tests that can be run to see if you're getting too much, too little, right blance, wrong balance?
   — vitalady

January 29, 2007
Beth, glad you wrote. I know you are looking for advice, but you really don't need it. You are just gonna have people tell you what you already know. #1, if you can gain weight, you can lose it. Sometimes harmones get in the way of that, but if you need the harmones, then you have to pay the price for taking them, it is a double edged sword. Now, just because you take them and gain some weight, doesn't mean that you have to continue to gain weight. Obesity is a head issue with a body consequence and you will be obese again if you don't fight the head issue part. Fight the head issues and the attitudes, and you will be comfortable with who you are, no matter what you weigh. I completely understand your fear and anxiety, but what you do about it is really up to you. You can worry and eat and sit and you can do the equasion as to what will happen next, or you can get up, go back to basics, protein, water, and a lot of exercise, even if you don't want to, and again teach your body that you are in control of it, it is not in control of you. #2 Just because we lose weight does not mean it will be off forever. You have a lot of changes with your surgeries and harmones, and those things take adjustments of time. You can come up with a plan to help yourself, but only you can get off the computer to do that. No amount of advice will motivate your heart. As you admit the truth about how you feel about stuff, and then push through that to do what you need to regardless of how you feel, you will find victory in not falling victim to your old ways. I hope you lose the weight, and I believe you can, but it starts in the brain and the decision is completely yours. Best to you. Patricia P
   — Patricia P

January 31, 2007
I understand your situation. I too had wls almost 4.5 years ago. This seems to be the time we start going upward. I want you to know I run 4 miles 3 times a week, and really don't eat that much-get sick easily. There is something that science just doesn't understand for some of us. Just do the best you can and don't be too harsh on yourself.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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