My hormones are all out of whack!!!!!

I am 27 yrs old and I have been having hot flashes like crazy!!!! It's hard for me to get sleep at night and sometimes I cry for no reason at all. Also, I do not feel sexually active and my husband is ready to divorce me (not really) but it is hurting him! Dr has tried me on many different hormones but now I'm taking premarin and another hormone pill that is a long M word. I can't stand the hot flashes and not getting any sleep. My gastric bypass dr say's it has nothing to do with surgery. And, no dr will give me anything to help me get some sleep at night cause they say the sleep meds are "too addictive" HELP SOMEONE PLEASE!!!!!! what should I do before I go crazy!!! thanks-Melissa B    — WannaBSlim (posted on January 23, 2007)

January 23, 2007
Tell your dr. that you dont want nothing long term, just something to get your body back into the groove of going back to sleep at night. He or she can dispense 3-7 sleeping pills and if they still refuse threaten to switch doctors. Also did they do a work up of your blood to determine that there isn't underlying medical problelm going on for your insomnia. And if all fails try tylenol pm. Good Luck.
   — love2bsmaller

January 23, 2007
hi I wish you are in a good health i'm a cosmetic surgery advisor If you need any help concerning any kind of cosmetic (plastic) surgeries, please feel free to contact me on my e-mai: [email protected]
   — SweetMouna

January 23, 2007
Melissa...I can totally relate! I had bypass surgery two years ago and my hormones were messed up immediately! It was explained to me that fat cells store hormones. Bottom line: My gynocologist recommended Black Cohosh, an herb you can get at the drug store to help remedy the hot flashes and get me in synch again. Hope this helps you as much as it did me. I took it for a couple of weeks before I could see a change~
   — Evangeline H.

January 23, 2007
Melissa hun, tell hubby to simply hang on awhile longer. After the surgery you will have new found sexual desires. This is the case in most I have talk with (may not be in all vases) I know for myself that dept has doubled! Hormones do get screwed up for awhile due to the hugh change our bodies go through but - things will get better. I am almost 2 years out and life is GOOD! [email protected]
   — RobertMiller

January 23, 2007
Have you had a hormonal level blood test? There are specific test to target what's happening. There are many different kinds of hormone replacement therapies available which start with low doses, and do NOT contain the combination of estrogen/progesteren. I've been experiencing menopause since 1982, and for me, the best thing I've been on is a patch changed twice a week. My feel good patch. May I suggest you become assertive with your doctor and try to not be emotional (yeah right), and demand he take steps towards finding the cause. Sleeping meds do not work for the menopause symptons. May I also suggest trying to use a mild over the counter med such as benadryl; these are just suggestions, and your best bet is to work with your doc in getting your hormone levels checked, then go from there. I had a hysterectomy in 1982 ( I was 32 and had cervical/uteran cancer), and started premature menopause about 6 months later. Good luck, and when you're feeling just so miserable and don't know where to turn, find a closet (sound proof if possible) and let out a primordial scream; it may not change anything, but it feels good for a few moments.
   — Dana M.

January 24, 2007
God bless you girl, im not sure if the hot flashes have anything to do with the surgery either, but the dr should know i would think, as far as the premarin i have heard that gives lots of hot flashes my sister had to stop taking it, and she is a nurse, you really might think about looking up premarin online, you will be very surprised about what you find. You may get very upset to so be prepared. I just typed in google and, where does premarin come from and got the shock of a lifetime.. I hope you find some relief soon, i had to be put on Lunesta and i haven't had an issue of addiction at all, in fact i haven't gotten a refil and i have had the bottle for 3 months now and only use it once a week at the most if at all. Good luck to you and please take care Paula
   — japaad

January 25, 2007
Black Cohosh I believe would be the best bet for any one with this problem. Although the RX hormones are good to a point,however,there is a study that states that later if not taken off of it, may increase the chances of Altzhiemer. I found this out later when I took over the care of my Grandma. Please!!! Please try the herbal method first ,Black Cohosh!!!!!! Best of hope, Melinda Ps. premarin comes from pregant mares (female horses) urine.
   — dream38

January 27, 2007
I always had hot flashes before surgery, I am sure it was due to my weight. After I had surgery I still had them for awhile but now I am cold all the time. LOL As for the sleeping. I have had 4 failed back surgeries and I had not had a good nigt sleep since 2000. Right before I had surgery I was put on Lunesta, I dont think it was addictive at all. When I had to come off of it because of lose of my perscription plan I went on melatonin (sp) it is a natural sleep aid over the counter and that helped me, also not addicting. Hope this helps. Good luck.
   — MMasr190

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