underactive thyroid

hi i am new to the forum.i had gastric bypass in june 2001 i weighed june of 2002 i weighed 217.became pregant in november 2002.after the birth of my daughter i was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid. i am now taking synthroid.88 and cytomel.5.i am having difficulty losing weight. my present weight is 247. any suggestions. thanks dana    — dana S. (posted on December 14, 2006)

December 16, 2006
Hi Dana- My doc told me I wouldn't be able to do it on my own with the thyroid not working properly and now I'm 4 days post op. You should try to talk to your doctor and see what he says
   — Rebekkah T.

December 19, 2006
I have a thyroid problem too, in fact, since I'm 17 years old and I am now 50 and in menopause. I took off 30 lbs. this year. I simultaneously dieted and exercised. I only lost on average anywhere between 1/2 to 1 lb a week, but one year later, I am 30 lbs. smaller and am half the size I was last year. Key: lots of fruit and veggies whenever hungry, 3-4 oz maximum of meat/fish/chicken per meal and 1 cup max rice/pasta per meal. Follow this type of healthful diet and you'll loose regardless of your thyroid. Go to the gym 4x a week and it'll be a lot cheaper than surgery and a lot less invasive on the body. I promise you'll love yourself for it. Now I am a personal trainer and am helping people with their weight loss. Contact me if you have any questions.
   — pattypom22

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