When I take a deep breath in it feels like I'm being kicked directly in the stomach.
Is this a normal feeling? I'm only 5 days out, but I seem to have had this pain since day 1 just not as noticable with being "all drugged up". — ashmom25 (posted on July 25, 2006)
July 25, 2006
Hi Laura! Congratulations, and welcome to the losing side! Your pain
sounds like what I had after my operation. My doctor warns us that he uses
some big "retention" stitches to hold things in place, and
anything that moves the stomach is gonna hurt until it heals. When you
take a deep breath, your diaphragm moves down, and presses on your stomach.
This is probably what's causing the pain. But don't sit there and guess!
Give your doctor a call, see what he has to say. Good luck! -- Mary
— mwilson523
July 25, 2006
Its always best to call your surgeon just to be safe!
— bob-haller
July 25, 2006
Hi Laura. I am 2 weeks post op and have had similar pain. I was sent home
with a breathing machine. A portable plastic thing that you practice
taking deep breaths into. You have to raise the ball to a certain level.
I think that helped me . If you are concernedthough, call the doctor.
Good luck!
— LeighMcCall
July 25, 2006
I had similar pain for about 7-10 days. When I tooka big breath, bent the
wrong way or coughed. If it lasts much longer definitely call the Dr. His
Besides, if something happens to you, that lowers their average of
successes and the hate that! Ha! Ha!
— WMKaisla
July 26, 2006
It sounds like you are having gas pains. When they do your surgery, they
go in and fill you up with gas so that they can move things around in
there. Are you having some pain in your left shoulder also? This is
normal and the best way to get rid of it is to walk. The air or gasses
will dissipatate with time. Some people have it worse then others. If the
pain is sever, by all means, call your Doctor. Just to let you know, most
of us have had it and it is normal.
— jk_harris
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