re: can we take time released vitamins

GNC Womens Ultra Mega Bone Density supplements time released Thanks    — GAMARY (posted on June 30, 2006)

June 30, 2006
My understanding is that time released capsules or tablets don't work for us due to the lack of gastric juices in the pouch. I am not positive about this.
   — LauraA

June 30, 2006
I know with me...I cannot take time release medications due to the malabsorption. Basically what happens to me is that I can take the medicine and say it is supposed to last 24 hours, I get about 4 hours, if I'm lucky because the capsul never has time to fully digest in my system. Most of the medication just went through my system without being 'released'.
   — brdofchrst

June 30, 2006
I know with me...I cannot take time release medications due to the malabsorption. Basically what happens to me is that I can take the medicine and say it is supposed to last 24 hours, I get about 4 hours, if I'm lucky because the capsul never has time to fully digest in my system. Most of the medication just went through my system without being 'released'.
   — brdofchrst

July 1, 2006
I have been told that they do not work for us.
   — Novashannon

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