After surgery will you start feeling like exercising right away?

   — carebear123 (posted on June 21, 2006)

June 21, 2006
Ummm... I guess that depends on what you mean by "exercising" and "right away." You won't feel like doing much of anything for a day or two, but they will get you up walking around ASAP after surgery to reduce your risk of blood clots. As for exercise, I imagine that walking is best for the first couple of weeks as you heal, but consult your surgeon if you are planning on anything too strenuous.
   — peacefuldaizy

June 21, 2006
Hi Carrie - I know each person is different, but the only exercising I got for the first 2 months was walking. I didn't feel like doing much else unitl some of the weight came off and I got over the fatigue of the surgery. The internal healing process is slow. Just take it slow, your body will tell you what is right for you! Kim
   — kimmy

June 21, 2006
Carrie, During the long process getting my WLS approved by insurance (it over 2 years!) I did a lot of research and reading of hundreds of profiles. I thought that my WLS would be a huge motivator for me. (It seemed to be that way for everyone else.) I had thought that having WLS would automatically make me want to exercise and eat right. NOPE. I am 9 months out, and just now learning how to eat better, and I still have not found the motivation to exercise. I am NOT saying that what I did, or am doing is at all good! No, it's not. But PLEASE don't go into WLS thinking that you will wake up and feel like eating right and exercising. It's all about forcing yourself to do things in the beginning, to make habits that will last you and your new body, a lifetime. Best to you, ~Amanda in Akron (Ohio)~
   — AmandaLeigh =)

June 22, 2006
No, you will no feel like exeercising, but it is important to walk! It is major surtgery, and you will be sore for a while, and tired. As you lose some weight, you will feel mnore like exercising.
   — Novashannon

June 26, 2006
I had surgery this past tuesday... lap RNY. Depending on the type of surgery - the answer will change. Anyways - I had to walk in the hospital once post-op, 3 times the next day and once the day of discharge. My post-op instructions are to walk 30 mins a day everyday - so theres my exercise :) I am not suppose to do any strenuous activity for 3-4 weeks.... I am going to ask my surgeon at my 2 week follow up next week what exercise is ok to do - Im assuming at this point they dont want anything using your stomach muscles much so it can heal up :)
   — Jennifer K.

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