EATING during liquid stage?

If one has had the lap band surgery two weeks ago, and instead of sticking to liquids for 2 more weeks, one realises one can eat and swallow, so one cheats - what will happen? WIll the band slip or will the new tummy this dangerous? Thanks    — dorisdenton (posted on June 8, 2006)

June 7, 2006
Why would "one" even take the chance. It's not about cheating, it's about compromising your heath. And by health, I think we know how serious it can be. I realize with the Lap Band it's a little different, but still.
   — Kellie D.

June 7, 2006
Doris, I don't know much about lap-band as I had RNY, but I know where you're coming from. I did not stick to the diet either. I was to the point of passing out several times from lack of calories and made very thin mash potatoes with cheese, etc... to put something a little thicker in my stomach, and advanced to other things quicker than I was supposed to. I told my doctor about it at my 2 week check up and he said that was fine as long as I took my time and didn't push it too far. I am just over 4 weeks out now and have tried just about everything. I know with RNY one of the main reasons to do liquids is to let your stomach heal from the surgery, so I'm assuming that would be the same reason for the lap, to allow your stomach time to heal from having the band placed around it? Good luck with your procedure and just don't over do it. Sarah
   — sarahp1101

June 8, 2006
Speak with your nutritionist. Mine moves lapband patients along the diet stages much faster because the physiology is just SO different than bypass patients. I'm sure you're fine, and it's normal that you are ready for something more solid in your tummy.
   — nicolerod

June 8, 2006

   — vitalady

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