Should I stop taking Ibuprofen or Benedryl before surgery? If so how long?

   — sunflwrprincess (posted on April 26, 2006)

April 26, 2006
I had to a month before because it thins your blood Kristal
   — KristalGerou

April 26, 2006
This is up to your doctor really- Ibuprofen is a stomach irritant and is cleared by the liver.I have never heard that Benadrl thins the blood. the Motrin (Ibuprofen, Aleve, Naprosyn and such was stopped about a month prior- the rest of my medications -i.e blood pressure - was taken up until the AM of surgery- however again I state call your doctor and ask his/her preferances since it is your life and his/her medical license on the line. When in doubt ask your doctor.
   — dabby

April 26, 2006
You need to stop Ibuprofen about a month before surgery.. Benedryl should probably be stopped atleast a week or 2 before surgery because it could mask any allergic reaction to medicines you are given before, during and after surgery. It also interferes with how the bladder can work as well. To be safe, call your doc for his or her recommendations. Shelly
   — scharlier

April 26, 2006
I take benedryll every day, and the doctor okayed it right up to the morning of my surgery with a small sip of water. But any NSAID, including aspirin, advil, ibuprofen, must be stopped 1 month ahead. If you look at your surgeon's directions, you'll see that. You can take tylenol for pain.
   — Jenny1

April 26, 2006
I had been put on regular Ibuprofen a while back by my primary care Dr. but my surgeon had me discontinue any of it a month before my surgery. According to what I was told, post surgery I would not be allowed to take it, any of the nsaids, or aspirin again because of the risk of damage to my pouch. Tylenol would be fine. Mary-Margaret
   — Mary-Margaret

April 28, 2006
I know that I cant sleep at night and take Tyl. P.M. regularly and even go over the limit (4 pills) a night and when I went for my pre-op anastologist meeting he was like..YIKES stop taking them they thin your blood..and my surgery is Tuesday. He told me they like you to stop taking that stuff 2 weeks before surgery..OOOOPPS...I swore them off for now on and wouldnt you know it now not only I cant sleep but I had a killer headache the next day! LOL
   — stephanieb

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