Anyone else having trouble flushing BMs away?
Hate to have to ask, but I'm tired of flushing and praying. Even though I'm taking stool softeners, fiber pills and prunes, I am clogging the toilet constantly. I drink quite a bit daily too, so I don't think that's a factor. Anyone else have a solution to this embarrassing question? — firstmak (posted on October 24, 2005)
October 24, 2005
hard lump? hard to get out:( I added some real butter or olive oil daily to
my eating, that and extra fibre helps a lot. be sure to get enough water
in.... the hard lump can cause hemroids.i am over 4 years out and oil
butter is the only thing that works
— bob-haller
October 24, 2005
OK, this probably sounds gross, but this is what my mom does. And she's the
queen of unflushable BMs. She keeps an old butter knife in the bottom
(smile) drawer of the bathroom and when needed, uses it to chop up the
offender before even trying to flush.
— LisaHillsinger
October 24, 2005
Well, I sure can relate to your problem! It has gotten better, but still I
have this problem several times a week probably. I have no advice, but lots
of sympathy :-)
— catleth
October 24, 2005
Been there, done that. You might have better luck flushing bread dough.
For's usually either a two or three step process. One flush as
it's happening, one after you're done and a seperate one for the paper.
I'm down to only one clog a month with this method. Good Luck :-)
— boonikki29
October 24, 2005
I thought I was an "weirdo" I have the same problem. I have to
use Citricel daily and add 1/8th of a teaspoon of flax seed oil to my
cottage cheese in the morning to keep things moving. Oh, and then I
"pray" it goes down. I have had many days I had to help it along
it's way with a stick I use put away with the plunger in the garage. OK..I
wonder why people get so offened when talking about a normal bodily
function and a waste product of the body It's a normal production of the
digestive system. I'm really glad you had the "guts" to ask the
question!! Kudos to you!!
— Karen Renee
October 24, 2005
Kudos to all of us who answered this question...I really wondered about
this too!!
— Karen Renee
October 24, 2005
I'm pre op..but not long ago Oprah did a whole show on was
excellent ...if you can get a copy of it or watch it again it was well
worth much information in it was wild...and so true that everyone
does it..the Pope even Poops..and so does all your sexy wonderful people in
the world..and after watching that show I'm sure most of them have trouble
with getting to the perfect poop also...I dont know the answer but I'm glad
you ask the question...and really the show was great.......
— Kimscott
October 24, 2005
We that have suffered through the most embaressing situations associated
with either being fat or on the other side of weight loss can relate. I
think it may be a simple solution. Just flush after the first plop,
continue and flush at intervals until you're done. It may be easier to
flush in stages. Try that. Good luck. Kim
— kimkovac
October 25, 2005
We bought a new toilet! I think it's an American Standard...Champion.
I've sometimes had to flush, wait for the water to go down and flush again,
but other than that, we've only had to plunge once in six plus months now.
It's kinda spendy, but well worth the investment.
— eaamc
October 25, 2005
I have been thinking about a trip to canada, they still use the old style
toilets, with bigger passages and use more water. But two flushes uses more
water than a SINGLE flush of a old toilet. Friend in detroit reports
everyone there goes to canada to buy toilets, its a option. its not illegal
to transport one over the border for your own use, but its illegal to sell
them for profit.
— bob-haller
October 25, 2005
Good news! The law no longer requires 1.6 gpm for residential toilets.
Commercial toilets have always been avaible and still use 3.2 gmp. Only
thing is that it was not up to code for residnetial applications, but still
very readily avaible, especially if you install yourself or do not pull a
permit. Code is now changed, and you can install a commercial 3.2 gmp
toilet in your house.
having said that, I recently replaced all my 3.2 old toilets with Kohler
comfort height 1.6 gpm cimmeron toilets, and have NEVER had a problem.
— att3
October 25, 2005
As soon as I was able to eat sunflower seeds (unshelled) I stop having that
problem. The sunflower seeds acts as a fiber, and gives your body the fat,
oil it needs to keep you regular, and that means you go more often, so less
really large hard stools. I love them, and our body obsorbs less fat then
the regular non WLS person, so I can eat more. I also eat popcorn about
twice a month, and it works the same. The popcorn has alot of carbs, but I
use it as a treat. The sunflower seeds are very high in protein.
— cindy
October 25, 2005
1 if it floats, its the oil content in your tuber, oil-fat is lighter than
water thus it floats, 2, as toilets age the hard water clogs the pores of
the fixtures impeding the force of the water to push the material over the
hump and down the drain, so you need to periodicaly fill you toilet with
vinegar and let it soak for several days. you may try to push the action
with some murictic acid but you will need to be carefull not to burn your
self, turn off the water,drain the tank, and flush it through, and refill
and flush again. this may take repeated attempts. it may crack the bowl, it
may be easier to just replace the bowl anyway. it not that hard, or
expensive, its relative i suppose.
— walter A.
October 25, 2005
I was reading Kim S.'s response to your question. I saw that Oprah show. My
Mom called me to tell me how interesting it was, and it was. The name of
the doctor is Dr. Oz.The book he wrote was called "You: The Owner's
Manual"The name of the show was "Insider's Guide to Make You
Younger and Healthier" I've been trying to find the link for you, but
haven't had any luck. I know it's there, I saw it before. Maybe you'll have
more luck! It's worth trying to find, there's more info about the body
that's pretty fascinating too! Take care!
— Lisa Michelle
October 25, 2005
my mother in law had wls 8 yrs ago the only time she comes close to normal
in that dept. is when she eats flax seed or flax seed oil. i also read some
were that vitamin E oil helps. have recently heard that to much vitamin E
can be bad. hoe much is to much? i will be trying flax if i have this
problem after of luck!
— vickig
October 25, 2005
I have this same problem also. I am starting to think most of us do. I take
stool softners every day as well as laxetives . Most days this seems to
help but there are those rough days. My biggest concern is that it will
happen while I am at a meeting or a friends home. LOL.. Rather embarassing
. Oh well life goes on.
— Anne T.
October 31, 2005
Lots of us have this problem. Because we no longer digest food, because we
malabsorb many nutrients, and because of the iron that most of us have to
take, our volume can be much larger than it was pre-op, AND it may be clay
like from iron.
I like the butter knife and stick answers, but I have a wire coat hanger
which has been pulled out into a long loop with tha hook at the end. The
hook end chops, then sits in the cleanser with the toilet brush, kinda
behind the toilet. Fairly inconspicuous . . .
And this is not an issue of constipation. I'm an every morning, like
clockwork person.
— rayehawk
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