The difference between TT and abdominal panniculectomy?

I just got a package from my surgeon stating that I would be getting an abdominal panniculectomy and not a tummy tuck because of my age and the fact that I am still of child bearing age (27). I am happy that God has blessed me to get approved to get anything but my question is what are the differences?    — Ronika D. (posted on April 5, 2004)

April 5, 2004
My plastic surgeon explained that the general term "tummy tuck" is used by most people to explain two entirely different procedures. In his explanation, a panniculectomy is the removal of excess skin and fat abdominoplasty is the removal of all the excess skin/fat plus tightening of the underlying abdominal muscles. I can't speak for your surgeon, but it sounds as if he is advising you that he will only be removing the excess skin and fat, but that since you are only 27 years old and might have a future pregnancy, that he will not be doing any tightening of the abdominal muscles. It sounds like a wise decision to me....after all, who would want to pay all that money to have muscles tightened that would only get stretched again during a pregnancy? I thought that I would need a full abdominoplasty, but my surgeon made the decision during the surgery to only perform the panniculectomy, stating that my abdominal muscles were "surprisingly good". I have not ever been sorry that he made that decision. Almost three years later, my tummy is as flat and firm as right after surgery. In addition, folks seem to experience more post-op discomfort after a full abdominoplasty than with a panniculectomy......I was surprised by how much less discomfort I had post-op compared to other abdominal surgeries that I had had in the past. Best wishes!
   — Diana T.

April 5, 2004
Thank you for your response. It is good to know that your stomach still looks flat something I really needed to hear.
   — Ronika D.

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