Post RNY Anemia

I am 4.5 yrs Post RNY. I was severly anemic with no iron stores 9 months ago. I had 5 weeks of infusions, and after about the seventh week began to feel better. Now I am feeling zapped again, and have zero energy. I go to the Hemotologist today for blood work. I was wondering if anyone else had this and if their iron stores did not hold. If so, How often did you have to have repeat infusions! Thanks for your answers! Lesleigh in Ga    — lesleigh07 (posted on August 17, 2011)

August 17, 2011
You saved me some time Lesleigh, I was just called with the same diagnosis and see my doctor on Wed. The nurse told me to begin Iron but from what I have read this really isn't the way to go but we shall see (as they say) Thanks for posting this and I look forward to seeing the responses.
   — karensaporito

August 17, 2011
I've been anemic since 2001 at age 40 and I have "pernicious anemia". In Other words, my stomach cannot absorb iron at all. I'm now 51. For the past 6 years I get regular iron infusions from my hematologist. I had RNY last May. What is now strange for me is that my last iron infusion was in Feb 2011 and my iron stores are holding. I'm getting ready to request another Schilling test to see if my new pouch is actually working and absorbing iron. It would an unheard of thing but my hematologist is excited to see! So ask for a Schilling test - not invasive at all. That will tell you if you have PA. I was getting 500ml of iron at least twice or three times a year. My last 500ml was in Feb and I'm holding steady 6 months out. Wonder why they gave you 5 infusions...ask your doc...ask for a flat 500ml to get you ahead. Saves on copays as it will be the same for 500ml or 100ml so save you some money too. Tee in Austin, TX
   — texastreat

August 17, 2011
I am only 6.5 mnths post RNY & have been taking iron supplements since my 3mnth checkup when I was told my iron was low. At my 6mnth checkup my iron & iron stores were still low so now I have to take 2 iron supplements a day. I was thinking it was due to severely heavy periods but I guess not. Some days I feel fine then have no energy at all the next. I will be talking to my nurse about seeing a Hemotologist instead. Thank you for posting this & I hope it all works out for you soon.
   — Tickie

August 18, 2011
I'm the anomoly. I have to much iron and have to get blood taken out to bring my iron levels down. I'm just so different. Never been normal a day in my life.
   — Kathleen W.

August 18, 2011
Hi I am 10 years out and at about five years out went to donate blood and they wouldn't take it because my hemoglobin and hematocrit were too low. I was diagnosed soon after that with iron deficiency and B12 deficiency. I have had multiple iron transfusions which would hold steady for a short time but then begin to drop again. I recently had a change in doctors and had put off going in to get any more iron transfusions scheduled because I didn't want to go through setting it all up with a new doctor etc so I am about a year out from a transfusion and also have not been good about getting in my B12 injections either. I had also gained a significant amount of weight back after my bypass and basically was feeling crappy. In May I started taking herbalife supplements and drinking their protein smoothies and taking their multiple vitamins and after losing thirty pounds since May 19th I finally decided to go in and see the doctor. I was amazed yesterday when I got a letter in the mail saying all my labs were excellent. I have not had normal lab values ever in the last six years.... so I have to attribute this change to the good cellular nutrition that I have gotten from herbalife. It must absorb differently because somehow my iron is normal, my B12 is normal and my blood pressure has dropped from 140s/80s to 105/72 etc. I invite you to check out my blog at and make any comments that you have or any suggestions. I always felt better after I had my transfusions and my weight always stayed steady for awhile making me think that our body holds onto everything if it doesn't get what it needs. Wendy Hugh Netolicky RN
   — WendyInIowa

August 31, 2011
I am 8 years post RNY. My hemoglobin count was down to 5.2, and was told every week when I went for an iron shot, if your number doesn't come up at least a tenth of a point you're going to the hospital for a blood transfusion. It took about 8 months, but I finally got to a normal level with out the transfusion. I now go every 6-9 months for an infusion, or when I start to feel like my level is dropping. I had the distal RNY, and I just don't absorb enough iron from supplements or food. Best of luck to ya Lesleigh!
   — KimiJo75

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