I am planningot have the lap sleeve procedure...

as far as pain, what foods are right for me after, how long will i be out of commission, how soon will i see results?    — M. Rivas (posted on April 20, 2010)

April 20, 2010
Hi. Is this some new procedure. I have never heard of the LAP Sleeve? I have heard and had done he sleeve (VSG). As far as pain, yes it will hurt, your stomach muscles are moved and this is after all a serious operation. Perk's worked fine for me. Everyone is different in how much pain they have. Your doctor will assist you here. As for foods. In the start you will only do liquids and then semi clear liquids, mush type and then full foods. Will take several weeks. You doctor should have given you a list of how to do this and what your nutrition requirements are. When in doubt call him or your nutritionist.
   — chell1957

April 21, 2010
I am assuming you are referring to the LAProscopic gastric sleeve? I too had this procedure done last June. As far as pain... it was far less pain than a c-section for sure. I was up and moving the same day. I am sure id varies from person to person tho. You will definatly need a few weeks to recover I would suggest. As far as results I had lost some in only the first week. And your surgeon should give you all the instructions as far as your diet is concerned and every dr varies also. My surgeon had me on clear liquids for 2 weeks. Then smushy mushy foods for like 3 weeks then gradually move into soft foods etc. But again he gave me a specific list of instructions.. I would suggest asking him/her. Good luck on your journey!!!dd
   — callen3640

April 21, 2010
Hi, I'm Janet and I had the VSG on January 4, 2010. I had it done laparoscopically in Mooresville, NC by Dr. Ryan Heider. As far as pain, I only took something immediately after surgery. After discharge, I didn't even take tylenol, I didn't need it. As for recovery time, I could have gone back to work in 2-3 weeks, but I took 5 weeks off for me. As of yesterday morning, I have lost a total of 53lbs. I would recommend this procedure to everyone. I am the second person on my unit to have this done, and the third person is currently on her pre-op liquids. None of us has had any problems, as yet.
   — janpmck

April 21, 2010
Hello. I had the VSG surgery done lapriscopic June of 2008. I had very little pain the same day of surgery. Was in the hospital for 2 1/2 days and that was just because of the nausea. I went back to work after 1 week but, I had a sit down office job. I didn't take anything for pain once I got home. Didn't need to. I'm sure we are all effected a little differently and have different tolerance for pain levels but, I did great. Returning to work should depend on how you feel. My doctor said if I felt like I could handle it then go for it. You will do just fine. Good luck on your journey. Of course it's the unknown that we tend to get nervous and worked up about. There is not a lot of pain involved and you will regain your strength quickly, just follow your doctor's orders. Good luck to you on your journey. They will instruct you on what you can and can not eat. I wasn't hungry at all but I drank what I was told to because I didn't want to become weak. It's very important that you do what your doctor and nutritionist tell you to do.
   — Jodi L.

April 21, 2010
Hello. I had the VSG surgery done lapriscopic June of 2008. I had very little pain the same day of surgery. Was in the hospital for 2 1/2 days and that was just because of the nausea. I went back to work after 1 week but, I had a sit down office job. I didn't take anything for pain once I got home. Didn't need to. I'm sure we are all effected a little differently and have different tolerance for pain levels but, I did great. Returning to work should depend on how you feel. My doctor said if I felt like I could handle it then go for it. You will do just fine. Good luck on your journey. Of course it's the unknown that we tend to get nervous and worked up about. There is not a lot of pain involved and you will regain your strength quickly, just follow your doctor's orders. Good luck to you on your journey. They will instruct you on what you can and can not eat. I wasn't hungry at all but I drank what I was told to because I didn't want to become weak. It's very important that you do what your doctor and nutritionist tell you to do. I lost 13 pounds my first week. I have lost a total of 80 pounds and am still losing slowly. The surgery is the best gift I have ever given myself.
   — Jodi L.

April 24, 2010
hi i just had my sleeve on the 20th iam still in little pain but have lost 7lb in 4 days so i think you shoud go for it i know this works i do have craivings but iam never hungry so when my family is having dinner i just walk away i know i cant eat anything solid and iam follow my dr orders.but just remember the surgery its on your stomach not on you brain!!!!!
   — cristinaA

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