Will I be able to meet an 8 month goal of 50lbs w Lap band?

I need to know if 50 Lbs is a realistic goal. I have lap band 02/02/10 YES and fiance wants a fall weddingt 10/10. Is 50 lbs a realistic goal? I am 190 and want to be 140 for the wedding. HELP !    — ButterflyWishes246 (posted on December 29, 2009)

December 29, 2009
Even though everyone is diffrent I still think that is a very realistic goal. I've lost 100lbs in 4 months! So you can do it!
   — tammie64

December 29, 2009
With the lapband, it's all about compliance. If you want to lose 50lbs, you certainly can. It's about a lifestyle change and making the right decisions. I have had both lapband and gastric bypass now, and let me tell you, your decisions you make after you have the band are very important when it comes to food. A 50lb goal is a reasonable 5lbs a month, so it is attainable. Eating right and exercise will get you there.
   — Jennifer F.

December 29, 2009
I had Lapband on October 22, 2009 and have lost 65 lbs. I feel great and have energy. It is possible very much so. Do everything your Doc and/or Nutritionist says. Follow everytHing to a T. You will be amazed how much you can lose quickly.
   — postalmoose

December 31, 2009
It is very realtistic I was banded on july 8,2009 and I lost 75 total prior to the surgery and now.
   — cathiec

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