It hurts!
I had surgery 7/29/09. I had been doing well untill this week. I think I must have pushed real hard or strained to hard, but I have this awful pain on the right side of my belly button. It hurts to walk, sit, cough, lauhg and more. I didn't have this pain before. I went to the doctor on Thursday and he said I must have torn a muscle incision. He gave me Lortab Elx but it's not working. Now all I want to do do is sit or lay down. I started to be real active there for a while. Has anyone had this pain. I called the Dr. again but he said the same thing. Please let me know if anyone has had this pain. Thanks. — alwaysalex (posted on August 22, 2009)
August 22, 2009
I could have written this myself, with a few alterations. I had been doing
GREAT. Had my lap band surgery 7/24/09. But beginning this week, I've had
this awful pain in my belly. It feels like it's the upper right abdomen,
but then when I actually probe around, I discover it is indeed to the upper
right of the belly button. Not only that, but I can FEEL THE BAND! If
that's not the band,there's something else really hard just THERE! My
husband (a surgeon) said it could be scar tissue. I really think it's the
band. I will call my surgeon on Monday. He is always extremely busy. I
have an appt. to get my first fill on the 27th. But I want him to resolve
what's going on with this before giving me a fill as that would only make
it worse. I too am taking Lortab and it does nothing for this pain and
discomfort. I don't know about you, but we're getting ready to re-enter
the insanity of back-to-school life. Handling that when all you want to do
is sit or lie down to get through the pain won't be our best chance for
success. Please keep us posted on what you learn and we will do the same.m
— myadele
August 22, 2009
I had a pain on my right side just above the large incision (I had lap rny)
and not only this horrible pain, the only way to describe the pain was I
was in Alien and I had an alien baby in my abdomin trying to get out!!!!
but I also had a lump that fit into my hand.. I went to the Dr about it and
even had a CT scan (my dr wanted to make sure that nothing was wrong - he
said he doubted it but wanted to play it safe since the pain started for my
about a week out, right after my post surgery appt). My dr gave me more
Dilaudid and told me to be careful how I get up and sit down (use my arms
and legs more).... well about a week later the pain was completely gone and
the bump is gone too!!!! Keep your walking up (blood clots are NOT your
friend) but other than that take it easy....
Hope you are feeling better soon!!!!
— wendy-s
August 23, 2009
OMG, the gal that said she felt like she had an alien in her tummy sounds
just like me. I asked my Dr. he said it is normal.
— FSUMom
August 23, 2009
I haven't had WLS yet, but that is the area where I get pain when I get a
gallbladder attack.
— Janell C.
August 24, 2009
I was banded in December 08 and luckily had no pain. It sounds like it may
be your gallbladder; however I would call your surgeon again. If the pain
continues or intensifies I would keep calling until he sees you or runs
some tests. I know scar tissue can cause some pain, but I wouldn't think
you'd have scar tissue pain this early if you were recently banded. Have
you tried using a heating pad? I was told to use a heating pad if I had
pain. I would also slow down some and take it easy with the exercise &
cleaning (I know, darn!). I hope you feel better soon!
— Krisican2
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