Am I eating and drinking too much???

I had open rny on 1/5/09. I am now able to eat 5 saltine crackers with 1 slice of cheese for a meal. I was wondering if that was too much. I feel full when I finish, but not overly full, just right. And also, I know they say only to drink 4 oz of liquid per hour, but I can usually drink a tall glass of water in 30 minutes. I am just curious to past rny patients as to what they can and cant do at 4 weeks post-op. anyways, you guys rock.    — jackie L. (posted on January 27, 2009)

January 27, 2009
Not too much hon, but the wrong things. Don't eat crackers, they have no nutritional value to you. You should be getting at least 60 gm of protein a day, and if you're eating crackers you have no room for that. And protein is critical. I've never heard of 4 oz per hour. Where are you getting this from? I think you should check in with your doctor and nutritionist. You need a protein rich mealplan and lots and lots of fluids. Good Luck!!
   — Shirley D.

January 27, 2009
You should check with your nutritionist, or online for post op WLS diets. You need protein and complex carbohydrates, and not a lot of salt. I know cheese and crackers tastes really good but there is a lot of fat and not enough ingredients to support your new necessary food and vitamin requirements. Read more and be informed as possible, since WLS is a life time state of being.
   — sor09

January 27, 2009
Greetings, 5 Saltine crackers is not a good source of protein for you. It is also considered "white stuff" and something you avoid. At this stage, you must be using protein drinks, consuming no more than 25 grams of protein. Thus, 4 oz. of water, blended with the protein drink. I recommend you consider Isopure. You can get this at Vitamin Shoppe. And, if you don't like it, you can take it back and get your money back. At this stage, your meal choice is not a good one. Even today, and I am 4 years post RNY, I seldom if ever have Saltine crackers: high in calories, and is considered "white stuff." That cheese, how many ounces? Again, protein is OK, but not sufficient protein. You body needs and craves protein to heal and to successful lose weight and not set yourself up for future metabolic problems. These issues show up when you are more than 2 years post-op. Sorry, I only have a few moments to write this out and can't say more to help you. Blessings, Christine Gibson, MS, MA, OH Life Coach in training, and OH WLS Support Group Leader.
   — Christine Gibson

January 27, 2009
i forgot to say, the cheese i eat is fat free and high protein, and the crackers were recommended by my nut. they said that it was fine, but neither one of them have had wls. lol. but, i know to get in my protein. i am working my way up. I am to about 40 grms as of right now. I am trying to get ideas. if anyone has any, let me know.
   — jackie L.

January 27, 2009
You should be using a protien suppliment for the first little while to get the 60 oz you need. You need 64 oz of water as well. Cheese is not bad but you will need a lot more protien then that to stay well. Try refried beans with a little cheese or cottage cheese with a little fruit. crackers and carbs are just a waste of time for now.My doc says to avoid simple carbs for at least six months.
   — trible

January 27, 2009
You are not eating too much...although 5 saltines are a bit much for one meal...2 saltines would be better than 5 and adding a cooked veggie would be better than the extra three saltines...Or peanut butter with 2 saltines...They were alos on my list of foods to eat my first 8 weeks...After that I switched to two whole grain crackers and that was my two slices of bread! I ate peanut butter and NSA jam...egg salad, lunchmeat and cheese...scrambled egg or boiled eggs...Cutting out carbs was never and will never be a part of my lifestyle or maintenance. I do quite well eating complex carbs without weight gain. But keeping them in moderation is a good idea to start early and keep in control. I drank whatever I could and had no time frames or special amounts to long as I sipped...I think the rules are getting a bit weird and over-kill...The only thing I can really suggest is if it hurts or aches...don't drink so fast if not...don't worry...Watch your intake of carbs per meal and make sure the majority of your meal is protein rather than cracker (simple carbs) that's all...Replace with more protein or a mushed cooked veggie! You are doing fine!
   — .Anita R.

January 28, 2009
I was eating 1 ounce of food until I was 3 months out. And I measured it out in the little medicine cups they gave out. I still measure out my foo dand I am 7 months out. I consume 2-3 ounces 3 x a day plus fluids. I get 60-70 grams of protein, 70-80 ounces of fluids, and about 700-900 calories at this point. Also about 20-40 g carbs..just lately. I rarely eat anything that contians flour and if i do, its always 100% wheat flour, I know all flour is wheat flour....but I buy the unbleached etc.... And with no appetite you should just eat to fulfill your nutritional appetite, eat to live...not live to eat...Good luck to you Hugs, Kim ps I'm not being catty..just trying to be informative with my experiences...huggies, Kim
   — gpcmist

January 28, 2009
This is in reply to Kim L: How do you get 70 grams of protein from 3 oz meals 3 times per day? Or are you doing shakes? At 7 months post op, that seems very little to me. ( like you, not being catty! just an observation)
   — Katrina B.

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