I need to ask for your prayers and help!

I had Gastric Bypass on 7/14/2008. I've lost 70 lbs. to this date, but I have not been following all of the guidelines. On Halloween I ate chocolate for the first time, but not the only time. I ate chocolate the whole Halloween weekend, it was bad. Now I am trying to get back on track because I refuse to gain back the weight I've worked so hard to lose. I know I am going to get beat up for this by some of you, but I can take it. That's the reason I posted this, I need to hear it from others. Thanks in advance for remarks.    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on November 11, 2008)

November 11, 2008
I can only answer from experience. Please don't let yourself get out of control. It's a longgg way back from there. I did it and haven't rebounded since. My total weightloss was just 60 lbs from RNY and that was over 4 yrs ago. Find a way to make your mind over. That's what I'm trying to do now. I failed when once I realized I could drink a soda or could eat sweets, etc. I was around 2 people who had the surgery before me and they bragged about how they could eat all the things that were a loathing to this process. So once I wasn't afraid to try these forbidden things, it became easier to do them. You are still at a good place (honeymoon period). Don't throw it away like I did.
   — poodie

November 11, 2008
Sherline, there is no reason for anyone to beat you up about the choices you made. Only encourage you to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start over. I am surprised that you did not dump on the candy. You have done an incredible job on the weight you have lost thus far. You should be very proud of yourself. Not that is not to say that what you did is right because it is not. You went through such a time to have this surgery, then the pain and healing of the surgery to no sabotaging yourself. Get back on track and move on. The good part and best part of your lapse is that you quickly recognized it, stood up and asked for help. That is awesome. You can do this and you have all of us behind you lifting you up and motivating you to keep moving on. Keep your head up and keep it high. One day, one step and one breath at a time together we will be better. Hugs and prayers to you Renee
   — Renee W.

November 11, 2008
It's great that you have lost the weight. Try to remain strong and continue on your journey. Nobody is perfect and we all make mistakes. I've also slipped once and I got right back on track. It's really hard , so you have to believe in yourself. I know that if you belive you would fail 90% of the time you will , so think positive and stay away from the chocolate.
   — Judy Hardy

November 11, 2008
I would recommend that you go back on the high protein that you probably started out with after your surgery. That should help take care of your cravings. Just go back and do what worked the first time. You know you can do it, because you have already done it before. Good luck. I know you can do it!
   — katiecakes

November 11, 2008
I had gastric bypass on 7-16-08 I have lost 89 total if you would like to chat and just keep incontact email me. We all make mistakes this is why we are over weight because of poor food choices we all have fallen get back up brush yourself off and get moven. I would like very much to encourage each other tammi email me here or at [email protected] u r in my prayers Tammi
   — Tammi Sandoval

November 11, 2008
You have made a great start in realizing how your choices affect you. I think that most of us have made poor food decisions since surgery. The desire for certain foods unfortunately don't go away. I had RNY 2-28-08 and have lost 174lbs and sometimes have weak moments but remind myself how far I have come. YOU HAVE LOST 70LBS and THAT IS FABULOUS!!!! Sometimes it will work to eat a healthier version of what you are Sugar Free chocolate pudding might be an option. I have had to completely take some things out of my diet like ice cream because I can't control myself and don't have any dumping from eating it. When I "fall off the wagon" I usually try to make a menu for the folloing week and that helps me get back on track. When I wonder what I want to eat each day and stand in the pantry or in front of an open fridge can be dangerous. A little planning goes a long way.....Just don't get down on yourself!
   — AuntPamcakes4six

November 12, 2008
No one has to beat you up! You already are aware that it's a no no, but you also should never say you'll have a mistake here and their. Just stop it at a taste and move on. We are all human and can make bad choices but the worst choice is to give up.... You have a TOOL now as my surgen says. Anna

November 12, 2008
O.K. "falling off the wagon" is never the problem. We all do! It's not trying to get back on that creates the biggest problem. You obviously want to get back on track. Don't beat yourself up, it's done and there is nothing you can do about that. What you can do something about is your decisions you make from this point on. Just keep in mind your victory and most importantly YOUR GOAL!!
   — bariatricdivalatina

November 12, 2008
Sherline - The key to this is to make a decision about how much and what you are going to eat. Then plan that amount into your daily intake so that you stay in the calorie range you need to in order to loose or maintain weight. Trying to live your life without deserts is setting yourself up to fail. Taking control, however, is empowering. We tend to set ourselves up for failure with the attitude I did this, I'm bad and I'm a failure. There is no failure in living one's life. There is only a failure to plan when we do this. So, just start this day like you would prior to Halloween and journal so that you can take your control back. Next time look up online how much the item you wish to eat is and make a decision on whether or not you wish to use those calories that way. If you do, enjoy. I say this to you from experience. We had an office function and I(!) bought a cheesecake of various chocolate flavors. As I drove to work I started panicing thinking of how this was going to make me fail at my diet. I couldn't believe that I had done this to myself. Then I made the decision to have just the tiniest of pieces. I came to work, looked up the calorie content and journaled it on I not only had what turned out to be plenty for what I now eat but I thoroughly enjoyed it. I ate it AFTER my good food and was pleasantly surprised how satisfied I was with the tiny piece but also how easy it was to get back on track because I never really fell off. I have used this method ever since.
   — VickiJ

November 13, 2008
I am only 5 weeks post-op and fell off the wagon about a week ago. I picked myself back up and have started over again. I have failed at most things in my life and I will be darned if I am going to fail at this. I keep asking for help from God and evidently he heard me this time. Monday I woke up and started over. I have learned to take one meal at a time, one day at a time. Start over with your liquids for a couple of days and then go back to a soft (not bland) diet. 1) I use toddler silverware to eat everything (I found a crystal handled set from Kitchen Collections store-you can shop on-line with them). I have three sets at home and have one set at work. 2) I have a special small coffee cup that I use for my HOT Carnation Instant Breakfast and hot tea. 3) I have purchased the Rubbermaid 4 ounce (1/2 cup) plastic disposable bowls. 4) I have purchased a set of 4-6 inch plates. 5) I use a small food processor to grind up course food items like chicken, beef, turkey, ham, etc. 6) I purchase Gerber stage 1 fruits and juice in the single containers. I don't drink the juice very often. The juice is better than the high-fructose syrup ones for adults. 7) If a food item is available in a single serving type container, I try to purchase it, even though it is at a higher cost. We don't have a lot of money, but this beats just grabbing the item and eating how ever much I want. I am better at just eating one single serving if it is already prepared or portioned as such. 8) I try to plan what each day's meals will be and either put the food in the 4 ounce bowls or if I am going to have a wrap, I put everything for the wrap in snack size baggies, then in a larger baggie to grab out of the frig when it is time to eat the food item (example a wrap of some sort). Fortunately, I have friend that manages a restaurant and was able to order me a case of Hellman's Light Mayonnaise (I was scared to order the fat-free for fear I would not like it and waste the case). 9) I buy the Jell-o pudding sugar free singles, which are a 1/2 cup. I prepare two at a time to make mixing easier. I pre-measure my cottage cheese into the 1/2 serving bowls, when I buy it so that I don't have to worry about it. 10) I buy the single wrap 2% Kraft cheese snackables and string cheeses. Great to just grab one and go. There are so many things out there to help us get back on track. I just started over this past Monday. I had lost 22 pounds before a week ago and now it is down to only 15.5 pounds simply because I thought I was invincible and pushed the limits. Actually, I didn't overeat. I was still eating only 1/2 cup of food at a time, but I ate whatever I wanted-pizza, fried chicken/shrimp - a lot of high fat foods. Then I decided that it was just too much trouble to get up before work to go exercise and on my days off I didn't feel like exercising at all. I work 4-12 hours days in a 2 week period. Now, my husband makes sure that I get up with him at 6am everyday, except for his days off (then it is 8am). He makes sure I go workout by myself or with him. We own a Taekwondo school and we have a small room set up for workouts - I know that is also a bonus as I don't have to pay a membership somewhere else. I believe that at least one point in time, everyone that has bariatric surgery has probably failed at some point in time. Remember, you are not alone. We are suppose to all be here for each other. This is our support group.
   — Teresa J.

November 13, 2008
I am only 5 weeks post-op and fell off the wagon about a week ago. I picked myself back up and have started over again. I have failed at most things in my life and I will be darned if I am going to fail at this. I keep asking for help from God and evidently he heard me this time. Monday I woke up and started over. I have learned to take one meal at a time, one day at a time. Start over with your liquids for a couple of days and then go back to a soft (not bland) diet. 1) I use toddler silverware to eat everything (I found a crystal handled set from Kitchen Collections store-you can shop on-line with them). I have three sets at home and have one set at work. 2) I have a special small coffee cup that I use for my HOT Carnation Instant Breakfast and hot tea. 3) I have purchased the Rubbermaid 4 ounce (1/2 cup) plastic disposable bowls. 4) I have purchased a set of 4-6 inch plates. 5) I use a small food processor to grind up course food items like chicken, beef, turkey, ham, etc. 6) I purchase Gerber stage 1 fruits and juice in the single containers. I don't drink the juice very often. The juice is better than the high-fructose syrup ones for adults. 7) If a food item is available in a single serving type container, I try to purchase it, even though it is at a higher cost. We don't have a lot of money, but this beats just grabbing the item and eating how ever much I want. I am better at just eating one single serving if it is already prepared or portioned as such. 8) I try to plan what each day's meals will be and either put the food in the 4 ounce bowls or if I am going to have a wrap, I put everything for the wrap in snack size baggies, then in a larger baggie to grab out of the frig when it is time to eat the food item (example a wrap of some sort). Fortunately, I have friend that manages a restaurant and was able to order me a case of Hellman's Light Mayonnaise (I was scared to order the fat-free for fear I would not like it and waste the case). 9) I buy the Jell-o pudding sugar free singles, which are a 1/2 cup. I prepare two at a time to make mixing easier. I pre-measure my cottage cheese into the 1/2 serving bowls, when I buy it so that I don't have to worry about it. 10) I buy the single wrap 2% Kraft cheese snackables and string cheeses. Great to just grab one and go. There are so many things out there to help us get back on track. I just started over this past Monday. I had lost 22 pounds before a week ago and now it is down to only 15.5 pounds simply because I thought I was invincible and pushed the limits. Actually, I didn't overeat. I was still eating only 1/2 cup of food at a time, but I ate whatever I wanted-pizza, fried chicken/shrimp - a lot of high fat foods. Then I decided that it was just too much trouble to get up before work to go exercise and on my days off I didn't feel like exercising at all. I work 4-12 hours days in a 2 week period. Now, my husband makes sure that I get up with him at 6am everyday, except for his days off (then it is 8am). He makes sure I go workout by myself or with him. We own a Taekwondo school and we have a small room set up for workouts - I know that is also a bonus as I don't have to pay a membership somewhere else. I believe that at least one point in time, everyone that has bariatric surgery has probably failed at some point in time. Remember, you are not alone. We are suppose to all be here for each other. This is our support group.
   — Teresa J.

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