i am 3 days post op. have a few questions.
i will call the drs office too but just wanted your input. i have TERRIBLE stomach gurgling which started yesterday and also when i went to the bathroom it looked like blood was in there. also the scale shows i gained 10 pounds. is all this normal? — bikermama (posted on May 8, 2008)
May 7, 2008
I know you said you're going to, but call your doctor right away. You said
it looks like blood. Blood that has gone through the digestive process
kind of looks black or like coffee grounds. If this is bright red blood,
don't wait for the doc's office to open, call their emergency number and GO
TO THE ER. Please post again to let us know how you are.
— Shirley D.
May 7, 2008
Better call the Doctor first thing this morning. Sounds like you might
have a ulcer or a polip. Both need to be checked out before surgery. Best
of success to you.
— William (Bill) wmil
May 7, 2008
the gurgling noise is normal ad that continues for a long time after
operation. I am almost 1 yr out and still have it. The rest to should
contact the doctor and talk to them.
— Alvernlaw
May 7, 2008
NO! NO! NO! GO to the ER immediately...have them contact your doctor from
there. Do NOT delay. You need to be checked out right now. Don't wait for
office to open. Seriously. God Bless...Samantha
— Samantha M.
May 7, 2008
The gurgling is normal and I also gained 10 pounds from surgery. I was
freaking out. It's just water retention from all the fluids they pump into
you at the hospital but it will go away.
The blood....I don't know about that. I can see that everyone is urging
you to talk to your doctor and I totally agree with that.
— cjjordan
May 7, 2008
Gurgling is normal....... blood in stool..... can also be normal....because
you just had major surgery and alot of work was done in there. Gaining
weight..... swelling and fluid retention....normal. I would consult the
surgeon's office....that's what they're there for.....but I'd bet you they
tell you all this is normal. They may still see you.....but I wouldn't run
to the ER as previously suggested.....unless you're that freaked out.
You're 3 days post op..... you're body is adjusting to
takes time.....I had all the same feel confident telling you
this is par for the course. Still.....consult with the surgeon's office...
go in if it makes you feel better....and hopefully this is just a rough
start to what will be a new and better beginning to your life!
— Cheryl K.
May 8, 2008
I am 3 months out RNY. I posted the same sort of question my first week
becase i had what looked like tar when I went to the rest room, but was
mixed with blood (not bright red; it was dark..very dark). My surgeon said
that was normal. The poop will look like that for a while while your
system repairs itself...I think the tar like poop lasted a week or 2 and it
slowly changed as I went from liquids to full liquids. The gurgling is
normal. Call your doc still...never take our words for something that
could be serious...but I think you'll be OK.
congrats and welcome to the losing side.....believe me; in the next week or'll be a loser...the gain is from all the gas the pump into you.
— hatda
May 8, 2008
Call your doctor right now. There may be a leak in the staple area. The
blood is very worrisome.
Nancy Nurse
— nancycarle
May 9, 2008
Be safe, just call your doctor or go to ER. Please let us know how you are
doing. God Bless.
— sagarmy
May 10, 2008
The weight gain is normal because of the fluids being kicked into your
body. Thr gurgling and the possibility of blood is definitely something to
call the Dr's office about.
— redlilies
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