
   — enchanteddiva (posted on August 20, 2007)

August 20, 2007
Hairloss is associated w/ rapid weightloss, It can also be associated w/ protein deficiency~make sure you are getting in enough protein per meal...also you can try a vit called biotin 3-4 X's per day, you can purchase it @ walmart for fairly cheap...I think when i was taking it i spent $2.25 for a 50-100 count bottle, there are also protein type shampoos out there, but i am not sure if these will help or not. I personally have never tried them. Good luck, i hope your hairloss gets better / don't be discouraged ~Tiffany
   — tiffany E.

August 20, 2007
Not to scare you, but I am 3 1/2 years postop and look like a chemo patient. Someone told me to increase if not double your protein intake so that is what I have been doing for the past month. Seems to help. Best wishes, Mickey
   — MCraig3

August 20, 2007
I was told by my doctor to make sure that I'm getting in my daily recommended amount of protein. Also, try taking 5mg of biotin per day. Those two things seemed to help me with my hair lose.
   — AngelaC.

August 20, 2007
Everyone I know says that rapid hair loss is due to rapid weight loss and lack of protein. Up your protein to more than was recommended....I don't think it will hurt you. You can do it by adding protein shakes or adding it to decaf coffee with ice. I didn't take biotin regularly but I did switch to an organic shampoo without harsh chemicals and it made a huge difference. Two shampoos I'd recommend are: - their peppermint & tea tree shampoo and conditioner ($20 for the both but lasts a long time) and at your local Harmon's...Kiss My Face shampoos and conditioners, less expensive but do a nice job. Spend a little more on your hair at this time. At 9 months out my hair is finally a bit thicker and at a nice texture.
   — Sheri A.

August 20, 2007
I would like to thank you for your question and hope that you have success in addressing your problem. I would also like to thank those of you who answered because, though I have not lost any hair yet, Iam woefully short on my protein intake and am now scared about losing my hair. That's one sharp kick in the pants for me. I will get working on my protein and biotin intake.
   — cherub13

August 21, 2007
it's easy and simple -- up your protein intake -- you should be getting in 60g of protein a day -- the secret is all in the protein --there is no magic pill or shampoo -- good luck :) i'll be 9 mo out tomorrow and i have not lost any hair at all -- in fact it grows fast :) i'm very grateful -- and i make sure i get in all my protein --tuna, shrimp, steak, pork, turkey, chicken, eggs, yogurt -- it all helps
   — RCassety

August 21, 2007
I have to agree with everyone before me, up your protein. Although I have not had my surgery yet I am on a protein regemine while I do intense work outs at the gym every day. I went to Walmart and got EAS Protein powder, mix it with water or low fat milk and drink. I usually use two scoops per drink, which gives me 54grams of protien per shake.
   — joldaker

August 21, 2007
There's a fruit protein zero carb drink called ISOPURE that you can purchase at GNC or VitaminShoppe -- cheaper by the case at VitaminShopper -- $35 bucks. Don't buy the orange. They contain 40 grams of protein --no sugar -- all protein. You can drink it mixed with water if you don't like the direct taste. I've gotten to the point where I just drink it straight throughout the day. Just another alternative -- its not a power drink, but there is a momentary after taste -- not too bad but you'll get used to it. I'm six months out this week.
   — the7thdean

August 21, 2007
The damage has already been done. But to prevent hair loss after this grows back, increase your protein to at least 70 mgs a day. Drink it, eat it, whatever it takes. Biotin I'm also told helps. Good luck and God Bless!
   — crystalsno

August 21, 2007
i have heard all the above things and agree with them. i have not yet had my surgery, but my hair has been thinning alot in the last 6mo due to PCOS and i have a good friend that has had GBS 2yrs ago and she swears by SILICA and BIOTIN, so i have started them now hoping it will minimize my current hair loss and also help when i am post-op. good luck i know how you feel and it is scary. hope this helps, Holly
   — RNlvnCARSON

August 22, 2007
Another alternative is just do nothing, but eat your protein as you are told. Your hair WILL grow back no matter what, and some say even better than before. Don't be upset if the shampoos do nothing as most people say. I did take Biotin, but did not notice any increase in hair growth, but it did grow back the little I lost. After your system gets over the shock of the surgery, you will do just fine.
   — KRWaters

August 22, 2007
Julie, when I hit about 4 months post-op I started losing hair by the hanfuls-- it was all over my pillow and everywhere. I had hardly any hair left (you CAN always get a wig-- just take comfort in that) I lost 1/3 of my hair in a month. I had slacked off on my protein intake and I think it didn't help me. So I upped my protein and bought Nioxin (a waste of money in my opinion) and it didn't help after a month. I went to Sally's and bought Mane & Tail deep mousturizing shampoo/conditioner it helped a lot and my hair is almost back to normal (8 months pot-op) don't worry!
   — airbear762000

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