I feel like I'm not loosing the weight fast enough.

I had lap- RNY on 5/16/07 and have lost 28 lbs. I lost 15 the first week and now I feel like I'm loosing so slowly. Sometimes I get scare that I went through all this and I might not loose the weight!! I have felt pretty good and not been sick with nausea or vomiting at all. I actually went to my neighboors last night and was able to eat 3 grilled chicken wings and 2 chips with cheese dip and 2 olives, is this too much? Ofcourse I ate it slow and chewed it very good.    — cedonato (posted on June 23, 2007)

June 23, 2007
Hi Carmen, what you ate was fine. Try NOT to eat more than that. Chickens wings are mainly all bone so you did good. 28 pounds in a month is VERY good!! You might slow and speed up again with your loss, everyone is different. Hang in there and be patient with yourself. Best of luck, Mickey...........
   — MCraig3

June 23, 2007
You cannot compare yourself with others or you will set yourself up for failure. How quickly you lose depends on many factors; how heavy you were at surgery time, how active you are and whether or not you exercise, what food choices you make (protein vs. carbs) and how much water you drink....all of these contribute to your weight loss. 28 lbs in a month is excellent and I wouldn't worry.
   — Sheri A.

June 23, 2007
I am having my surgery on the 29th and I hope like heck that I am loose 28lbs in my first month! You are doing fine. Keep it up.
   — dre_1974

June 24, 2007
I think you are doing GREAT!! Please do not compare yourself to others - you are an individual and will lose in your own speed/fashion. I think you are doing fine....just keep up the eating heatlhy and don't over do it. What you ate is fine. I am 4 months out and my meals consist of 4-5oz. of food per meal. Protein is always first and/or three bites of protein for every one bite of fruit/veggies/carbs. Keep up the good work. Remember to take your vitamins, drink lots and keep yourself hydrated. Also....very important - exercise! Walk! Walk! Walk!
   — jammerz

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