Does anyone know about how much it costs to have a "tummy tuck" in North Carolina

I have medicare and I hope it will help pay for it, but does anyone know how much a "tummy tuck" cost in North Carolina or South Carolina? Also, has anyone had Medicare to help pay for it, I have Medicare for disability? Also I know it has to be medically necessary, how do you prove it is necessary? Thanks in advance. I had WLS in Jan. 2002, and went from 347lbs to 130lbs, so know I need to get the skin off . Thanks for any help.    — tatterpuddin (posted on May 24, 2006)

May 24, 2006
congrats on the WL! that is awesome. Document everything. start a journal and everytime you get a rash take a picture and date it. call you reg. md about everything, from body oder to skin problems to even intimacy problem. that way you have documented proof that this is a medical necessity for you. don't forget to save all of your reciepts from doc. visits to meds that you might need. that why when you find a surgeon you have documented proof of everything. hope that helps good luck
   — Jenney

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