Anyone have server Panic disorder/anxiety who got surgery

Hey, I was wondering if anyone has/had server panic disorder before getting RYN? Mine is so bad i am stuck at home everyday i cant drive, work or go out im a freak. It all started when i got prego and gained weight. I was 130lbs 6 yrs ago and as my weight went up my problems got worse! i am now 265lbs and my panic attacks have taken over. I want to get the surgery but im scared that if i go in i will freak out before they put me to sleep! I dont have insurance yet but im getting on some soon and about 6 m down the road apply to get approved for the RYN. Please help.    — Nighngail0318 (posted on May 3, 2006)

May 3, 2006
I also have anxiety disorder. I had it before surgery and still have it now. I suffer from panic attacks that come out of nowhere, but have been prescribed the proper medication to deal with the attacks. It sounds like youare suffering from a more severe anxiety and you should talk to a psychiatrist about medication. Klonopin is a longer acting anit anxiety medication that you take daily. It helps to stop dialy anxiety and often prevents panic attacks. If you suffer from panic attacks a psychiatrist will often prescribe Xanax as it will stop panic attacks so that you don't have to suffer from the symptoms such as rapid heartbeat, sweaty hands etc. Hope this helps.
   — C. Burns

May 3, 2006
Just wanted to add that you should begin to address this issue soon and inform your gastric bypass surgeon about your condition. If you are prescribed medication for your anxiety and get things under control before your RNY you should be good to go by your surgery date. Just remember that no matter what, you will have anxiety about surgery and it is perfectly normal. On the day of my surgery, I wanted to run out of the hospital because I was so scared, but I knew that I had to do it. Good luck to you.
   — C. Burns

May 3, 2006
I had panic disorder as bad as yours - maybe worse! Totally housebound - even unable to go to doctor appointments. Thanks to good treatment with medication and behavior therapy - I don't have to live in that hell anymore. Get treatment! I had surgery 12/03 - and yes, there is some anxiety involved - it's scary to have surgery, have anesthesia, having drains and catheters - so in a way, you'd be goofy if you weren't anxious. Email me if I can help - you can beat your anxiety disorder AND obesity - I did!!
   — mriley

May 4, 2006
Yiur problem is pretty common for MOs, espically if they feel embarased by their appearance. Losing the weight can do wonders, not only for health but to get your life back. several members of our support group were like you and became active social butterflies upon losing the weight.
   — bob-haller

May 5, 2006
I had severe panic disorder before my WLS. I was given meds and they helped somewhat, but now that the weight has come off I rarely have a panic attacks (maybe 1 in the past 2 years). I think alot of it for me was like Bob said I was very embarased by my weight because now that I've lost the weight I love being noticed where before I just tried so hard not to hide in the background.
   — badkidzmom

May 5, 2006
Hi, yes, I have suffered from severe anxiety and panic disorders from most of my life. I see a psychiatrist and 95% of the time the medication cocktail helps me. Like others have said I had it before surgery and I have it 5 years post op. It is a disorder which needs treatment with medication and counseling. Usually counseling alone is not sufficient. I hope to goodness you have been seeing a psychiatrist for this and that you are medicated for your own comfort!! If not please seek help. No one has to be perfect before this's impossible, however, getting help and continuing to have help post op will make you more comfortable and be able to live with more enjoyment. Take care and best of luck and health!!!
   — Karen Renee

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