I am having a incisional hernia repaired with mesh laproscopically next Wednesday.
I was wondering what to expect as far as pain and recovery time. Thanksgiving is soon and was wondering if I'd be up to preparing the meal. — suzeeq (posted on November 9, 2005)
November 9, 2005
Hope all goes well with your surgery. I had the same done last year and
thought because it was laproscope, it wouldn't be too bad. well, it was and
it wasn't. Incisions were small to nothing as expected, however the spasms
and pain were much more that i expected. Had to take pain meds/anti-spasm
meds continious for 2 weeks and then could finally taper off. also thought
i could go back to work sonner than i did. but as with any hernia repair,
no lifting for apx 6-8 weeeks- things still have to heal inside. while my
repair did not turn out to fix my problem as well as i thought it would ,
it does keep all my "parts" inside for now. I already know it
won't hold forever as my abdomenal muscles were shot years ago and there
isn't really much to attach even the mesh to. I would plan on being able to
do some things by thanksgiving but get plenty of help with the lifting of
everything. or maybe plan on doing one or two items and let others cook the
rest for you. after all thanksgiving is about sharing -- share the cooking
and the clean-up as well.
— dorothy S.
November 9, 2005
I am sitting in my kitchen typing this reponse to you, six days after my
panni removal/tummy tuck which was combined with a ventral hernia repair
and an inginual hernia repair.
I don't like pain.
I have been amazed at how little pain I had experienced. Didn't need a
pain pill after about 48 hours following surgery (and at that, it was to
help me sleep). The drains were uncomfortable, but they came out today
(which was not a painful procedure).
Is there a little burning around the drain sites-- yes, but it is minor.
As for the incisional pain and the general sense of discomfort, I would
have to rate this as minimal, particularly when I compare it to the pain I
had felt following leg surgery.
Good luck.
— SteveColarossi
November 9, 2005
I had a ventral hernia repair 3 weeks after the birth of my last child
(c-section). I have very large babies and it had taken the toll with the
Anyway - I won't say it was painless, but it was better than a c-section :)
My husband took 2 weeks off of work because I was not supposed to lift
anything more than the baby, which is hard when you have a toddler as well.
I actually felt so much better after the surgery because it had been so
painful before. I was up cleaning and taking care of the kids, without
trying to lift, in a matter of days. Good luck!
— fantum
November 9, 2005
I had my incisional hernia repaired along with my TT this past may. I have
pictures on my profile if you would like to see. I will tell you that I had
no pain from the TT but severe pain from the hernia repair. I was taking
Percocet every 3hrs w/o relief until I realized that it was the muscle
spasms giving me ALL of the pain. The other incisions were numb. Well once
he prescribed me valium (some take flexeral (sp)) and I took that with the
pain meds for one day....I hardly needed anything after that. So basically
the advise I am offering you is make sure you get a muscle relaxer of some
sort to go along with the pain meds and you should do great. I would agree
with the other ladies though....make sure you do not do too much too fast.
I did not get mesh...I don't know if the healing would be any different. I
wish I had though...I think my hernia is coming back. :-( I wish you the
best of luck and accept all of the help you will be offered.
Julie Stinard
— J. Stinard
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