What can I do to get,,

BC/BS to pay for some plastic surgery on my "batwings",my inner thighs and my breasts? They paid for an abdominoplasty in May2004,and I appealed twice but they turned me down. I have been exercising and lifting weights for 11 months and my personal trainer says those body parts will not go back into place. So if anyone out there has a great letter of appeal or knows a surgeon that would do a pro-bono case,,or something magical please let me know,,Thanks in advance,,    — sblady329 (posted on November 4, 2005)

November 6, 2005
I suggest you ask people who already had WLS surgery and now going to get plastic surgery you may find a good plastic surgeon that in network. I suggest you talk person to person you may get lucky.
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 8, 2005
You might be able to get your breasts paid for but the wings and the thighs are considered cosmetic surgery. Insurance won't pay for them unless you can prove medical necessity.
   — monymony

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