What can I do about this weakness 3 weeks post-op

Hi, I am 3 weeks post op tomorrow and cannot shake this feeling of weakness, went to work this am and had to come home because of feeling so weak. Any suggestions    — DANNY C. (posted on August 4, 2003)

August 4, 2003
Even though it has been several weeks your body has gone through a MAJOR SURGICAL EVENT. How much food are you eating at 3 weeks out? Not very much I would think... so it will get BETTER. Let the time pass and things will get better! Stay positive and keep trying! You will be back to feeling good with a VENGEANCE!!!! Very soon my friend... very soon!
   — Eleanore Davis

August 4, 2003
I have no answer but am experiencing the same thing. I'm 3.5 weeks post op and am as weak as a kitten. All the 'fight' has gone out of me. I'm going to work but am not very productive.
   — Margaret G.

August 4, 2003
Are you taking B12? My nutritionist says that is one of the main reasons people complain of feeling weak. Take B12 1000 mg every other day sublingual (under your tongue) and I am sure you will feel a difference. My weakness went away after just a few days. (Currently 10 days postop).
   — bethybb

August 4, 2003
You've had major surgery so take your time and heal. You may need more time off from work, or if that's not an option then maybe half days for a week. Make sure you get all your vitamins and your protein supplements in. It may be hard at first, but eventually you will start to feel better.
   — Starrlina

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