just would like to know if anyone else may have this experience,i had a turkey burger

for dinner last night i cooked it and measured out 1 1/2 oz and cut it very small and really took my time chewing,but....then my pouch starts to ache a little and it feels as if someone is choking it,then i burp a few times and it feels better,i did not vomit but have in the past on certain things.{frothing}any ideas on how long this feeling will last? or is it something i will have to learn to deal with.(lap rny 03/31/03 -60 lbs.thank you....    — GRACE M. (posted on June 10, 2003)

June 9, 2003
Grace, Chances are that your turkey burger was too dry. That happened with me when I ate anything that wasn't moist. I still have a little trouble with chicken if it's dry so I dip it in steak sauce, barbecue sauce or gravy. I no longer have the problems with the vomiting (and/or frothing) but I do have nausea and pain if food is dry. I think I quit having the problems with vomiting and frothing about 5 or 6 months out - sometimes I wish I could vomit easily when I eat something that doesn't sit well. Now, I just have to wait for the discomfort to pass. Luckily that doesn't happen often anymore. Open RNY 11/29/01 TT 2/4/03 -181 pounds
   — Patty_Butler

June 10, 2003
Hi, Grace, I absolutely CANNOT do turkey burgers anymore. I have no problem tolerating hamburger or any red meat being medium rare, but a turkey burger has to be well done, and it's too dry for me. I think it's a good idea to do what the previous poster did--add a little ketchup, bbq sauce, spaghetti sauce, anything to make it moist. Hope this helps!
   — Joyce C.

June 11, 2003
I just had a turkey burger for dinner. Grilled it and then put some spaghetti sauce and mozzerella cheese on top and zapped it in the microwave. It was delicious, very moist and went down great!
   — missysworld

June 11, 2003
No matter how I cook 'em or top 'em, I can't do turkey burgers or veggie burgers. Even a hamburger isn't the best choice for my pouch, just makes it grouchy and doesn't appeal to me taste-wise. - Anna LAP RNY 7/3/02 -129lbs.
   — Anna L.

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