does anyone wake up hungry in the night?

do you wake up starving?    — JULIE B. (posted on April 26, 2003)

April 25, 2003
This was a problem for me until I started having protein shake just before bedtime -- "bedlunch" I call it. Now if I could just solve having to get up to pee... Nina in Maine
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 26, 2003
Once in awhile I do (although I also drink a protein shake at bedtime). If you wake with nausea in the early post-op period, some people recommend keeping crackers on your nightstand. I don't have that problem, so if I get munchies in the middle of the night, I'll get up and have something with protein in it -- cheese and turkey pepperoni (tip: nuke the pepperoni for 45 seconds in the microwave -- makes tasty pepperoni chips!).
   — Suzy C.

April 26, 2003
My wls is in 2 weeks! I hope I don't get hungry in the middle of the night! I hope I don't drink a protein drink right before bed time! Would it be sitting in my stomach all night! Hopefully a cracker will do the trick or just water! Rigt now I don't eat in the middle of the night! I am to busy goig pee n the middle of the night! There is not an icebox in there ! And I am to lazy to go another few feet to the kitchen! Hay Good Luck!
   — CYNDI B.

April 26, 2003
When I take my vitamins everyday like a good girl, I am hungry ALL the time and even wake upat night because I am hungry. I was taking my vitamins at bedtime but now when I take them I take them in the morning and it helps with the night time hunger a little. Good luck to you. God Bless. <><
   — garnet156

April 26, 2003
Yes, I do. I've always been a night snacker, so it's a real problem for me. If I don't have a protein shake right away, the cereal calls my name, and that's BAAAAAAADDDD!!!! Kill it with protein, is what I tell myself. :)
   — Diana L.

April 26, 2003
went to bed once or twice with a growly tummy and woke in the morning starved, but only once that I can remember when I woke up to go to the bathroom and my gut was hungry. Drank a lot of water and went back to bed.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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