Has anyone had ibs prior to wls? has it improved or worstened?

   — ERIN G. (posted on April 2, 2003)

April 2, 2003
I believe it has improved. Perhaps because there is so much less volume there is just so much less to come out as diarrhea.
   — sandy L.

April 2, 2003
I have IBD(microscopic solitis) and am having open RNY on May 7th. Yeah God! But anyways, my doctor made me get a clearance letter from my gastro doctor. I got my med changed to Pentasa which I can open the capsules and swallow the contents. I will not be able to take any pills for six months after the surgery. My doctor did not think that there would be a problem with me having IBD and having the surgery. Good luck.
   — ChristineB

April 2, 2003
I had IBS for approximately 15 years before my RNY surgery. The symptoms of IBS disappeared the day of the surgery and have not returned. I am now 3 years post-op. This may not be everyone's experience, but it was nothing short of a miraculous side-effect of the RNY for me :-)
   — Diana T.

April 2, 2003
I had a history of irritable bowel syndrome, but since my surgery, things have been great. No diarrhea, no constipation, no cramping...JR (open RNY 07/17/02 -167 lbs)
   — John Rushton

April 2, 2003
Had IBS prior to surgery, and have not had an episode since. Hooray! 17 mo. post-op
   — Cheri M.

April 3, 2003
I am 2.5 weeks post lap RNY and have suffered with IBS for many years. I have had bowel spasms and diarrhea for the last two weeks. It feels like IBS but my surgeon said I was probably having diarrhea from being on liquids for so long. Last night I went out to dinner and just walking in the resturant and smelling the food I felt my intestines start to grumble and then I got diarrhea. I hope my surgeon is right and this isn't my IBS.
   — Rebecca L.

April 3, 2003
I had SEVERE IBS prior to my RNY. I'm talking TERRIBLE, I didn't EVER want to leave my house....constant diahrrea and cramps. Since the day of surgery, I haven't had one single IBS episode, I have had a few loose stools, when I have eaten anything "fatty" like deep fried chicken or something like that but that's my own fault and it's only happened twice. I am now 4 1/2 months post-op and have gone more places and look forward to doing things more than I have in the past 9 years, which is when my IBS began! My doctor told me that this wouldn't cure IBS, but that it could help, but no guarantees, & I do still take my Doxepin daily to help keep it under control, but prior to WLS even with the meds, I always had it! This surgery has been wonderful to me, I've not only been relieved from my IBS, but my GERD is ALL GONE and off all meds for that! Best of luck to you and Take Care. Any questions, please feel free to e-mail me: [email protected]
   — Carol V.

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