

March 28, 2003
Hi, I started taking the birth control patch at about 6 mos post op, I'm going on my 3rd month using it now and I think it's great! I never forget to switch it because it's only once a week and it stays on real good! No problems with it. I noticed though, the first month I was kinda moody, but this past month I was fine.. may just take some time to adjust. Good luck! 8mos post-op around -100 pounds, at around 160pounds size 10.
   — Sunny4x4chick

March 28, 2003
I wouldnt use to patch. According to your profile your still over 200 lbs and in order for the patch to be affective you need (as stated in the panflit i just read yesterday at my obg-yn's office) to be 198 lbs or less. Im on the Depo Shot and I love it! Its not as bad as everyone makes it seem. My sister was on the patch and she said it was a pain. She just started the Nuva Ring and loves it...look in to that too.
   — sandrac131

March 28, 2003
oh yeah, and they reccomend for you to be at 198 pounds or less for it to be as effective !
   — Sunny4x4chick

March 28, 2003
I just started using the patch this month - no problems so far. My dr. was concerned about absorption of the pill, and told me half of Depo users get major breakthru bleeding, which I didn't want to deal with...
   — Melissa F.

March 28, 2003
I actually had my gynecologist put me on the patch several months ago. I was about 7 months post-op then. Unfortunately, once I went on the patch, my weight loss plateaued for almost two months and I had my period almost every day for nearly two months. Once I stopped using the patch, my weight loss continued and my periods became regular again. However, I do plan on going back on the patch once my weight stabilizes because I loved the fact that you only have to worry about it once a week.
   — R. P.

March 28, 2003
I started using the patch in December 2002 at nine months post op and lost apx. 10 - 20 pounds since then. I haven't had any problems with it. It caused some spotting the first month, but that cleared up after the second month. I like it better then depo and the pill, but everyone is different.
   — Lisa N M.

March 28, 2003
I've been on it about 4 months and it's fine. You do have to be a certain weight though.
   — Kimberly L.

March 28, 2003
well I haven't had surgery yet I currently weigh 251lbs and have been successfully using the patch for almost a year now.. ITs the best thing since french fries..LOL.
   — Marisol C.

March 28, 2003
I actually am not on the patch but I am on the NuvaRing. I am on my second month with it and I am 11 months post-op. My weight loss has slowed but not stopped. I am also almost at goal so that could by why. I really like the Ring and I only have to think about it once a month. You should check it out.
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 28, 2003
Hi there, Christine! I had considered getting off the shots to do the patch. I spoke with my gyne ( at the beginning of this month) and she said that the whole thing about being a certain weight isn't completely true. She has worked with RNY patients and has looked into the is where the problem lies... she said most obese patients have hyper-tension, when they put you on the birth control, they would have to increase the estrogen levels, which in turn would raise blood pressure, which would make us more ill. That is why it is usually easier to keep someone on the shot, or for a person that has no problems with b/p, then they could put you on what you would want, and they monitor you to make sure that you don't get ill. I have always had problems with my cycles and so the depo shots are the best for me since the cycles stop altogether after a while. Now these are just my thoughts and what I learned from my doctor, but the decision would ultimately be yours and your doc's. Hope this helps and that I didn't step on any toes. Vi open RNY 9/23/02 down 118 lbs.
   — Vi F.

March 28, 2003
I tried to go back on the bc pills and the patch after that, and both made me nauseated. I would have thought the patch wouldn't since I wasn't taking it internally, but it did. I'm thinking about getting an IUD, that's about the only option left for me, and the shot is out, tried that after I got married, not good!
   — Laura L.

March 30, 2003
I use the Ortho-Evra (I think it's the only birth control patch on the market right now)....I love the convenience of it! I'm 2-1/2 years post op, down 138 lbs. and was within 5 lbs. of my goal. Like many birth control medication side effects, I've been on it 3 months and did gain 9 lbs. the first 6 weeks.....I was NOT a happy camper. I've lost about 5 of it and am working the rest.
   — Lynette B.

January 22, 2004
hello, I havent had my surgery yet but im 270 lbs and have been using the patch for a year now and i dont have any problems except when i change my patch each week the spot where i put the patch itches. I was informed by my ob/gyn it is a weight limit involved but if your overweight to wear it on the thinner parts so i usually put it on my back or my arms. And i make sure i switch places on my change days.
   — Katrina B.

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