At home body wraps for skin elasticity?

Any body doing their own body wraps at home, trying to improve their skin elasticity and avoid reconstructive surgery? If so, how are you doing them? Is it working?    — ERICK B. (posted on December 26, 2002)

December 26, 2002
Hi Errik. I've never done a body wrap before but it is very important to keep your skin hydrated all the time which improves elasticity. However (and I hate to be a downer here) if you've been morbidly obese for a long period of time or if you have an excessively large apron or if you have alot of stretch marks then there's basically nothing you can do to eliminate the possible need for reconstructive surgery. I think doing anything you can to keep your skin in top shape is a GREAT idea but once the integrity of your skin is gone it's something that you just can't get back. You might be able to improve things a little but you can't return your skin to a pre-morbid obesity state. Hang in there though, maybe you'll be one of the few who gets lucky and doesn't need reconstruction! I hope so! Happy Holidays!
   — ronascott

December 26, 2002
body wraps...I LOVE THEM. I have never done the at home version though. If you do one, let me know how it goes.
   — Vicki L.

December 26, 2002
I would give it a try. Nothing to loose there except inches. I say Go for it!
   — Alisia P.

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