Has anyone had this experience before?

My doctor keeps his patients on a full liquid diet for one month. I am having problems with variety. Cream soups just aren't doing the trick and I am very tired of them. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.    — PETIE B. (posted on December 29, 2001)

December 29, 2001
I was on liguid for 6 weeks so I know what you are going thru. Have you tried cream of wheat and oatmeal cooked with extra water so its smoother then press it thru a strainer. Also chicken broth heated to just barely boiling, mix an egg in a bowl then stir into chicken broth, cook for another minnute,egg drop soup. Very good with a little soy sauce. I also froze yogurt and pretended it was ice cream. Good luck and things really do get better.
   — KAREN T.

December 29, 2001
Liquid oops sorry
   — KAREN T.

December 29, 2001
O.K. Petie, here goes...According to my post-op paperwork I got from my surgeon (I had VG on 11/12/01) Full Liquids are any and all clear liquids, skim milk, protein mix, low fat (thin) cream soups and liquids that you cannot see through. Next will probably be puree for you...Pureed foods are: low fat or non fat cottage cheese, unsweetened applesause, blended canned peaches and pears in their own juice, overboiled soups with no meat, blended cream soups with no chunks, heavily cooked veggies cooked to a mush and mashed with a fork (NO CORN), chopped up soft poached eggs, unsweetened oatmeal, cream of wheat/grits, blended soft fruits, non fat sugar free yogurt, fat free sugar free pudding or ice cream and potted meats thinned with clear broth or baby foods with no chunks.The soft food phase is kind of understood. Soft foods. Please e-mail me if you need more info. and I'll try to help. HAPPY LOSING :)
   — Cinna G.

December 29, 2001
Tomatoe soup works too if you can tolerate it.. Don't forget your clear liquids - broth, jello and such.. Cream of Wheat cereal (tastes ok with Splenda) and sugarless popcicles are great too.
   — Elizabeth D.

December 29, 2001
What my wonderful husband did was get the Campbell's soup in a can that is ready to eat----no water needs to be added, and then he pureed it in the blender on the highest setting. Wedding soup was great! Steak & potato wasn't too bad either, but I wasn't thrilled about the Vegtable soups pureed. The other thing that was great was ice cream and sherbert. These are considered liquids, just make sure that you don't eat anything that might be in the ice cream like strawberries, nuts, or peanut butter cups, (yes, peanut butter cups---my 10 year old son love Denali Moose Tracks and they have them in it)!
   — [Anonymous]

July 9, 2003
My dr has me on protein shakes for 4 weeks. It gets very boirng after awile. I would suggest putting some fruit in the belender with the shakes. It goes by quickly, but it is for the better.
   — Naderia H.

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