How much Carbonyl Iron can be taken in a 24 hour period?
Last week my hemoglobin dropped to 5.8, I was then given 3 units of blood it then went up to 8.8. I was taking 375mg of carbonyl Iron w/Vit. C + 12mg of Proferrin ES Heme Iron daily at different times before I bottomed out. I need to get my levels back up. Does anyone know how much is to much of each of these would be the maximum in a 24 period? I don't want to have to have another transfusion or do I want to take to much iron either. Thanks Cindy — cmoulder (posted on February 11, 2011)
February 12, 2011
My advice would be to check with your health care provider and/or
nutritionist to determine the right supplement dosage for your particular
— Elizabeth T.
February 23, 2011
Let the doctors decide something this important. My primary care doctor
prescribed prescription iron for me and B12 shots. Thing was, she wasn't
familiar with gastric bypass issues. After several years of taking that
heavy-duty iron, my liver developed little benign cysts all over it; looked
like a bad case of acne on my liver. Now, even taking over the counter
iron makes my liver develop the cysts again. Talk to the surgeon who did
your surgery. Good luck to you.
— Betty Todd
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