What are your dreams?

Hi everyone: Just wondering. Does anyone have a dream outfit they would like to wear postop. It can be anything from sexy undies to formal attire to tight fitting jeans. My couisin is being married in 2004, and I often dream about short dress and a little jacket over top for her special occasion. I know everyone has given this a thought even the guys.... I feel like crying!!! help Walter    — MBIKE (posted on January 2, 2010)

January 2, 2010
My reason for surgery wasn't to wear cute clothing. So I cannot answer your "survey". However I'm wondering Walter do you really think it would be appropriate for you to wear a short dress with a little jacket to your cousins wedding?
   — Caribou ME

January 2, 2010
Yes I do! I have always wanted to shop at Victorias Secrets.I love the clothing and the lingerie.I see my Dr on Tuesday to discuss my surgery date.I am so anxious!! Remember dreams come true,just beleive in them.You have a new you and there is no reason you should not be proud of yourself.Just don't wear anything that you would think would be inapropriate for someone to wear to your wedding!
   — davonjack

January 2, 2010
Yes indeed! I want to jeans with my shirt TUCKED IN!! LOL. I am so tired of wearing my shirts out and long enough to "camouflage" my tummy. Can't wait!
   — Karen K.

January 2, 2010
Yes, going into the surgery I wasn't thinking that far out, just that I wanted to get healthy. But as I got further out I realized wearing just about anything was a side effect of the surgery.. I really didn't think about it before...But I finally went into the store and fit into a size 10...Coming from a size 32-34 and losing 222 pounds...To know I can walk into any store and wear anything I want is a dream come true.
   — okbuffy

January 2, 2010
What an eye opening question so early on a Sunday morning! Like most people here I'm thinking of the health issues, no more meds, no more pain, no more finger sticks. Reading the answers posted I must say I am so impressed and thankful for Buffy posting her answer. OMG!!! You must feel like a totally different person. I'm about that size now. As part of my psych eval I was asked what my goal weight is. I answered 225-235 which will mean a total loss of 169 lbs. I tell people my #1 goal is be healthy and not take any more meds. My #2 goal is get my butt into a pair of Levis and wear my shirt tucked in for the fashion show my surgeon's office has every fall. My surgery is coming up hopefully this month and I can't wait. Hope this everyone..congratulations on such great success and have a great new year! Kelly
   — kchooker

January 3, 2010
I totally agree with Buffy. I never thought about the clothes I would be able to wear. I was just thinking about my health. I went from wearing a 26 - 3X in Dec 08 to wearing a 6-8 now. It is amazing the things I try on now, and I am not afraid to try on a small - I even bought 2 small sweaters this weekend and they fit perfectly!! I wear modest clothing - always have - Would you want to see a 3X in a bikini?? I don't think so! I still wouldn't wear a bikini but I am starting to enjoy seeing myself where I am at now. I still think of myself as really fat but there have been occasions where I walk by the mirror and wonder who it is in the reflection. That is an awesome feeling!
   — Dawn A.

January 3, 2010
Ok I'm going to be totally honest here. As being an obese man my dream has always been to wear the dreaded......SPEEDO! Yep if women can wear bkinini's I can wear the male equivilent. After loosing 180 pounds and having some plastics done and more to come, I just may wear that speedo and in public too!
   — Richbehr

January 3, 2010
The clothing was always in the back of my mind. But my knees and feet always hurt. I was short of breath,and after working a 12 hour shift I'd go home crying. Now 5 months after the RNY and going from a size 22/24 to a 12 I want the little black dress and heels. I love the fact that I can go into a "regular" store and wear just about anything I want. The first day I noticed my new shadow in the sunlight I cried.
   — Nurseducky

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