I am 14.5 weeks pregnant and have to have iron therapy has anyone experienced this?

   — davinagilroy (posted on August 26, 2009)

August 26, 2009
Hi I am having WLS surgery on 10/5. I can say from experience (I have three kids) that I had been on iron therapy before and after for ALL three kids. My last child I was on for three times per day after delivery. In general, women are more prone to anemia. With WLS, I would anticipate that the chances are inevitable. It is generally not bad but with the three times per day experience this last time was terrible. I had to be sure to have all my liquids and I had to take metamucil liquid supplement as well. Constipation is a terrible side effect. With all I have read with WLS I would anticipate being more careful than ever to get your protein in (green leafys too)! Anemia can really wear you down and creaps up on you (without WLS)... :-) It is good to be proactive...
   — jenn73

August 26, 2009
Congradulations on your pregnancy.
   — Kathleen W.

August 26, 2009
Do you mean IV therapy? Been there, doing that twice a year. Happens to 1/3 of bypass pts. Doesn't matter how much you take in orally, doesn't absorb.
   — smparker2

September 4, 2009
I have iv iron several times a year and I love it.. well as opposed to talking nasty iron that stops up my system or forgetting to take pills and having to constantly monitor. I have blood work done every 2-3 months and my hemotologist takes care of the rest... they let me know my levels and they take care of all of my levels and it makes me feel better. I also get my b12 shot everytime i go in to and its nice to get both done at once.
   — sydne B.

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