
I am discouraged because I am 18 mos Post op from RNY WLS, I began my journey at 225 and had 100 pounds to lose to be at goal. I lost 85 as of 9 month mark. I plateaued at that point and then gradually have began gaining weight back. Just last week I gained 6 pounds in one week! I knew things were gonna get more difficult once the initial rapid weight loss period was over but I had no idea how hard. I feel like I am able to comfortably eat much more than I could in the beginning and so I am afraid I have stretched out my precious pouch. I guess I need to hear first hand testimonies of those who have been through similar challenges after the honeymoon period and that actually returning to the basics really does work. I need to get back in the losing game!    — ChelleBelle (posted on August 9, 2009)

August 9, 2009
I tell everybody this and it works for me. Go back to the post op diet of full liquids and start adding foods back really slowly. Also, If I get really constipated I can show a 3-4 lb gain, also, when pre-menstral. I am 20 months out and still eat on a six inch plate. Keep your chin up!
   — lesleigh07

August 10, 2009
You might also want to do the 5 Day Pouch Test to jumpstart weight loss again....I know it has helped a LOT of people here. Here is the website -
   — Erica Alikchihoo

August 10, 2009
Have you talked to your dietician/nutritinist lately and are you food journeling? The food journel will give you an idea of what you are eating and the quanities of food. The dietician can make suggestions of how to reverese the small gains.
   — Kathleen W.

August 12, 2009
I am about same time frame as you. I was 256 on Feb. 28,2009. I am 170 now and stuck there for months. But to be honest I need to eat smarter. I do exercise 3 times a week with weights. I have muscles I never had before. I started jurnaling my food again. I make better decisons that way.
   — sueannel123

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