Pain in lower right side of abdomin

Not real sure wher this question goes, but I am 2 weeks post op of the gastric sleeve. 2 days ago I started having pain in my lower right abdomin anyone have any ideas? I do not have my appendix plus I had a total hysterectomy already. HELP the pain is bad and my surgeon is out of the country till Monday.    — joy2others2 (posted on May 15, 2009)

May 15, 2009
Does your surgeon have a partner or someone covering for him while he is out of the country? If not then I would be seen at the ER where your surgeon does surgery so at least the ER docs may have some experience with WLS patients. There is no way to know without someone checking you whether this pain indicates something serious or not. Depending on where you are Fridays in the ER can be a long wait but I would take a book and plan on staying until someone can see you if you are unsuccessful at getting in contact with your doctors coverage physician. Good luck. Kevin
   — hapkidodoc

May 15, 2009
Anytime anyone has severe pain as you describe that is chronic (more than a few days) also as you describe should NOT wait and should go see a doctor...My only suggestion is to make certain that the hospital you go to has a bariatric unit and surgeon on staff or call.
   — .Anita R.

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