protine shake

Ok, so i have now gone through 3 differant protine shakes and i hate all of them... i first tried isopure i am left with more then half of a big ass jug.... next i used the vanilla and choclate sf carnation instant breakfast... now i have pro complex strawberry....its ok besides the fact that it is so bland...sweet but not berry enough i guess. if anyone can give me sugestions on how to make these things taste better i would love you 4eva.... i had rny on 2/24/09 and have only been getting about 5 grams of protine in a day...i am aware that it is extreamly not healthy to not have any protine.. so pleaseeeeee HELP!!    — vmidiri (posted on March 20, 2009)

March 20, 2009
Hi, I hated all the protein shakes. The problem is you are comparing it to real food! Take it for what it is and as long as you can choke it down, your doing good. The funny thing is after a while, you do get used to it when you are not eating anything else. I'm not suggesting that but it is what I noticed. I added 1 teaspoon of pure cocoa to the chocolate and vanilla protein shakes and mixed that in with my magic bullet (small blender. The taste was much improved.
   — Renee B.

March 20, 2009
Have you looked at Walmart or other places for the sugar free syrups to give it more flavor? They are with the coffee. Also, has bunches of different flavors! Also for the strawberry look for sugar free strawberry jello and add some to your shake to give it more flavor. Did you just not like the chocolate at all? You could add some sugar free chocolate syrup its in with the Hershey syrup I buy the walmart brand. You can even look online for some protein shake could make a mocha one with the chocolate, or chocolate and caramel, hazelnut chocolate. I think you can also use flavorings...maybe make your shake with milk and ice and mint flavoring like a chocolate mint shake...I think I might be giving myself some good ideas...LOL! Good Luck! If you need help finding something just give me a yell! Melissa Gallmeier
   — momof2wthkids

March 20, 2009
Hi, I went to the GNC by me and they had some differnt flovors of drinks for me to taste. I found some I could handle...try to find a person that is aware of your needs and it helps soooo much. I did find in the Isopure I could drink the pre mixed bottles that look like a Kool-aid. I put alot of ice in the glass and drink it. Also, when mixing protein..I put my milk in the blender then add a sugar free yogart, ice then my powder and blend VERY well. In the begining I also added ice to my glass when I poured my drink. Your tastes will change in time. I found the cooked beans mashed were good. I have never been a cheese person, but have learned to like it. I know you understand you have to have the protein...but you must try to get ALL your DR has told you to get in. I have evn added some Whey protein to coffee in the morning to get more in. Just dont add alot to will clump up if not mixed very well. Good will find something you can handle!
   — tootsie52

March 20, 2009
Here's what I've done with the protein powders to make them more palatable: 1 scoop protein powder, 2 scoops powdered milk, 1/2 cup plain yogurt, 6 ice cubes, 1 cup non fat milk, sometimes 1 teaspoon Nestles Quik, put all in a blender. Pour in a big glass and drink like a shake/malt. For vanilla, sometimes I have peeled and cut up an apple and added that to the blender. I have also broken up a banana. Marti in San Jose
   — Marti P.

March 20, 2009
I take a half a scoop of vanilla and a half scoop of chocolate protein powder and put it in a cup. I add enough water to make a smooth paste I then add coffee to this cup and stir while you are adding the hot coffee. It tastes like chocolate mocha. I have that every morning and it does fill me up. Let me know how you like it. Susan
   — susangielda06

March 20, 2009
Hey Victoria, I use WHEY GOURMET protein powder. It is made with Splenda and is PRIMO protein. It tastes great. I put 6oz no fat milk (can use water) and add a scoop of this plus about 1/4 cup of ice and it makes a thick and creamy shake that is not too sweet, but tastes great. You get about 30 grams of protein if you use the milk (23 with water). I also use NECTAR by Syntrax and this is like juice and is high in protein and tastes great also. You can add DaVinci syrups to chocolate and vanilla protein powders. They are sugar free and taste really really good. I like the peach, watermelon and pineapple ones. Try adding a little frozen berries to vanilla and strawberry, but be cautious using frozen banana because of the sugar/carbs. GOOD LUCK
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 20, 2009
go to this website... she has lots of protein recipes and also recipes for later on.. good luck!!! Connie
   — booquest01

March 20, 2009
My doctors office had what they called Protidiet, it is concentrate you mix with water, it called for 5 oz. i used about 16 ozs of water, and i love it, infact it is so good, i was on that for my 2 weeks before surgery and 3 weeks after surgery, my fav. is the Kiwi Melon, infact I still to this day drink it a couple times a week. GOOD LUCK and GOD BLESS!!! Sue VSG 7-22-08
   — [Deactivated Member]

March 20, 2009
I have gone though support groups with my sister and heard this same frustration. I will be seeing my surgeon for the first time March 25. I feel fortunate that I have become a distributer for Advocare. They have meal replacement shakes that I find to taste very good. This is the ingredients. Available in Chocolate, Vanilla and Berry Offered in pouches 24 grams of protein 5-6 grams of fiber 26 vitamins and minerals and only 220 calories Contains 50% of the daily value of calcium We carry many different products that are tailored to help people in these areas. Sports Performance Weight Management Wellness and energy Skin Care Financial opportunity Please feel free to check out my website at My name is Patty and you can call me with further questions at 715-879-4065 or 715-577-7344
   — pgrorud

March 20, 2009
I add 3 or 4 frozen (not thawed) strawberries to my protein powder and yogurt to make my shakes - gives it a wonderful fresh, fruity flavor. I also use the Magic Bullet, which does a really good job of whipping it up, and makes enough for two shakes at once. Good luck and God bless! ~ Julie Preston, RN
   — MuseAcal

March 20, 2009
Hi Victoria, I couldn't stomach the protein shakes because of the sweetness...until I found unflavored unjury protein powder. It mixes with milk or water --I personally use nestles flavored water..anyway it has 20 grams of protein in a serving and 80 calories. You can buy it at good luck! hugs, kim
   — gpcmist

March 20, 2009
I use Z-Pro 25. It comes in Chocolate, Vanilla & Strawberry. I'm hooked on the Chocolate. I stir it in a glass with a fork first, then shake it in a closed container with ice....I add more water than it calls for, but it's so good, I actually look forward to it. It's 25 grams of protein from one little envelope of powder AND something like 140 calories for ALL 25 grams of protein. It can be used by brand new post ops as a pudding. It has instructions....the pudding takes up less space in your new pouch. I like the shake better, but if you are lacking protein, it's an easy 25 grams of protein. I get it on line from R-Kane Products. Best of luck to you. Please be careful, 5 grams of protein per day is dangerous.
   — Dee L.

March 21, 2009
Mix healthy stuff into it! Blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, bananas, apples...Add cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger...Add SF instant cocoa...a few drops of food flavoring extracts...Add yogurt or SF whipped cream...Add a little peanutbutter to the chocolate one for a snack like treat! Don't be afraid to experiment! I use some of the SF syrups that you find in the coffe aisles at Target or the grocery store...BUt that SF stuff just bugs my belly and the fruits are better for ya! You can even add no sugar added jams and jellies! Or mix into semi-hot coffee...(too hot and you'll have chunks! Yuck! Mix into instant SF pudding....Or make protein balls by using a scoop of protein and a little peanutbutter and blend into little bite size protein balls...I mix coconut and chopped walnuts into them as well and keep in the frigde for little snacks...I sprinkled it into my oat meal or other hot cereals for a extra protein as well as fiber! So many uses...I'm not real big on protein either...But if you really want to taste a tasty one in a small container...They have the Muscle milk in chocolate at Target in a small container for a few bucks....It tastes like chocolate cake batter...I am allergic or something to the sugarfree sweetener they use, but I LOVE the flavor of that protein (no added spices ot anything) all by itself... so much! I wish I could drink it! Try to use the ones you have by adding more to them for flavor and fun! I try to look at protein like a milk shake or smoothie with ice chips and frozen fruit as well...Oh...another thing is to try to use different liquids to mix it...LF milk, yogurt, soymilk... Almond milk tastes AMAZING with protein powders!
   — .Anita R.

March 21, 2009
I see lots of good suggestions here. I had the same problem and bought about 5 different brands. It is so individual that it is hard. For me, I found that Muscle Milk Lite chocolate worked well. It is 150 cal. and 20 g protein for 8 oz. You can get premixed or powder. Mix the powder in a blender for best results. After about two weeks I couldn't choke down shakes so I switched to 0% fat Greek yogurt, sweeten with 3 equal, add 1/2 t. losugar rasp. jam or 1 t. vanilla for taste. Goes down easily and 1 c. has 130 cal and 22 g. protein. Best buy in Seattle is at Trader Joe's. Good luck and it doesn't last forever it just seems like it.
   — candace501

March 21, 2009
A friend of mine who has had the surgery said there is a protein called Now Unflavored Protein Isolate. She said you cannot even taste it and she adds it to the things she eats, drinks and gives her like 25g per serving of protein, I hope this helps
   — Stutz0721

March 21, 2009
btw she gets hers from ebay but here is the link from
   — Stutz0721

March 21, 2009
Everybodies different. The only one I found that actually tasted decent (not good just decent)was Syntax Nectar Strawberry-Kiwi. It is sort of like you said about the pro-complex strawberry its not really berry enough but not bad. Kevin
   — hapkidodoc

March 21, 2009
I have found Isagenix and My Victory to be tasty. Plus they are both fullfilling. I always add an extra scoop of non-flavored protein in with it and a half of fruit.
   — bariatricdivalatina

March 21, 2009
I am using IsoPure from the health food store, and it isn't too bad, I have been mixing it with skim milk instead of water, that might help you. I will admit that it isn't the same as real food, but I can tolerate it much better than the first one I tried. Is there a reason you are still taking the protein shake? According to my post-op instructions I am supposed to stop the shake 2-3 weeks after surgery. I am sure all doctors have different instructions, but that is just the instructions Dr. Fitzer gave me. hope this helps
   — SnuffyLuvsJesus

March 21, 2009
Get flavorless (no flavoring) and add it to everything you eat. I do. I sprinkle it in pudding, soup, applesauce, peanut butter - whatever I am eating, I find a way to add some. The flavored stuff didn't really do anything for me. they were all icky. In the beginning I did the 43gram protein bullets and drank 1oz. at breakfast, lunch and dinner and before bed. That way, I was getting 43 grams minimally a day. I got fruit punch. Not the best tasting thing in the world, but it's a quick 1oz. shot and I would chase it down with water or a saltine or whatever. Good luck. That's what I do.
   — jammerz

March 21, 2009
On the website they sell samples of protein powder, so you can buy 1-2 servings without buying the whole big container. And the website has a large variety of flavors and a few different brands of protein shakes. Then all you need to do is keep track of which ones you like and you can just buy those brands and flavors in large quantities. It saves a lot of money.
   — ads2e

March 21, 2009
Victoria, Hope this helps, I bought the lemonade flavor Crystal Lite in the litte tubes and I'd use 1/2 tube to each shake and he results taste just like"Lemon Icebox Pie" It was what I liked the most.Good Luck and god Bless, 2Lazy2Mike
   — 2lazy2Mike

March 23, 2009
Just cottage cheese and cream soups are going to give you more than 5 grams of protien a day. Try making your own smoothie with fruit and unflavored protien powder.
   — trible

March 23, 2009
My doc won't let us drink protein shakes and I am doing great without them. I would suggest at your 1 month post op that you try soups(drain off most of the water), refried beans with a little cheese and salsa. I think at one month I even had a little tuna. Eggs are also a great source of protein. Your pouch is roughly the size of a small egg, so scramble or fry (with pam not butter) a small egg. I was getting about 35 gm of protein a day eating those things at one month out. Good luck and don't beat yourself up. Oh yeah Kroger brand has a high protein yogurt that is great only 4 flavors, but lots of protein and it tastes pretty darn good. Cathy
   — brindledanes

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