How long do pain meds stay in system& is diffrent for ppl with bypass
I was giv'in a UT.For prococet& there was none in my system.I had not taken it for 3days prior to test.when it came back my dr said it should be in system for a month because for over 5 months?does anyone know if this is true?Ive checked many sites & they say it only stays in body for 8-16hrs.Also since my bypass,meds seem not to last has long. — sweetangel59 (posted on January 25, 2009)
January 26, 2009
I have noticed that my muscle relaxers and even exedrine only last about 4
hours instead of 6. If you have a good PCP ask if they can find a liquid
equivalent of the pain meds you are on.
— phyllismmay
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