Is it safe to have gastric bypass if you have NASH?

My Dr who diagnosed me with NASH said the gastric bypass is too dangerous to have with NASH. He suggested tyhe lapband.    — Robin1955 (posted on January 6, 2009)

January 6, 2009
Most people have a fatty liver which is not good or normal in regular people...but with your diagnosis there is damage to the liver as well...Having GB, usually takes care of the fatty liver...In your case the damage is still there and you may continue to have a fatty liver which is not good since the functions of the liver are on overload with the small intestines bypassed...When I had liver function dropped...I became deficient in most of my fatty vitamins which are stored in the liver. I have very low oxygen in my blood and my blood cells were severely deformed and could not carry oxygen that is needed by all your organs including the liver, heart, kidneys...brain! ..If your liver is damaged already...vitamin defs could be such a huge problem for you...Lapband sounds like a much better surgery for your liver since the digestion system stays intact and is not altered like in GB....Still, have a second opinion if you want and have the doc explain to you what the loss of the bypassed small intestine could mean to your liver...I am not qualified to even guess! I only have a little info because of my own issues and liver function scare! It was short lived so I never researched further...Good luck! Lapband can work just as well, but you have to have the right attitude as with any WLS...It's still only just a tool and ultimately you are still responsible for what you eat and how you take care of yourself. You must commit to both...It might just be your best hope to be thinner and healthier. Good luck!
   — .Anita R.

January 6, 2009
I agree with the first poster on getting a second opinion if you are seriously looking into weight loss surgery. I wasn't official diagnosed with NASH until after my RNY procedure back in August 5, 2008. My surgeon did a biopsy at the same time. While weight loss can make a fatty liver better or at the very least keep it from getting sicker, rapid weight loss, especially caused by RNY can actually make it sicker. (At least in the short term) not enough information regarding successful treatment ( therapies) is currently available. My best advise is to search the internet for as much information on the subject as you can get your hands on, get a second or even a third opinion, and lastly but not least ask God to help make the right decision for you.
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 7, 2009
Your doctor went to medical school, we (the majority of us) have not. This is not a question that we can answer. You don't say what type of doctor diagnosed you with NASH. If it wasn't a hepatologist (liver doctor), then I would suggest finding one and getting his/her opinion. Another person to ask would be your potential WLS surgeon. Good Luck!
   — mrsidknee

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