Is it okay to use a meal replacement shake? (8 weeks post-op)

Will drinking your meal provide you with the same nutients as a meal? Sometimes it is not easy eating 3 or 4 small meals a day.    — Toby2 (posted on September 15, 2008)

September 15, 2008
I am ten months postop and have a shake for breakfast every day. It's gets me better than 30 gm of protein which puts me way ahead of the game. It also helps with fluid intake and is an easy breakfast for me to make. My nut. has no problem with it. I eat two regular meals each day.
   — Shirley D.

September 15, 2008
   — deb44m

September 15, 2008
Just get the type with no sugar. Regular Slim-Fast has a ton of sugar, but Slim Fast makes a shake that has little/no sugar in it. Atkins shakes have little/no sugar as well.
   — Gina S.

September 16, 2008
In the beginning, it is OK to use meal replacements. However, as you get further out, I encourage you to try getting in more of your nutrition from actual foods. Your pouch needs to adjust to a variety of textures and density of foods and not just liquids. I'm 9 months out and rely on protein supplements to get in all the protein because I still cannot stomach a lot of different foods (which would give me lots of protein). Continue to follow your lab schedule to make sure you are doing what's right for your body.
   — gonnadoit

September 16, 2008
My Doctor wants me to get the protein from food.Protein comes first.You need to get adequate cals also .The balance is important.No replacement for food and cal.
   — stanwalker

September 16, 2008
I am 6+ weeks post-op and I have a protein shake each morning (Isopure Zero Carb - which has 50 grams of protein) just to get my day started. One day I hope to be able to eat all my protein but for now this gets me started.
   — dnefews

September 16, 2008
My Dr said that drinking my protein was fine, just be sure to get it in somehow. Of course take your multivitamin too. I am nearly 6 months post op, and there is no way I could eat that much protein.
   — corky1057

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