Plastic Surgery help!

I had the lapband done 2 years ago. Now I need some skin removed very badly. I do not feel happy with the way I look. My stomach and boobs are awful! Is their any kind of organization out there that will help with this. I have insurance but we all know that is no help and I can not afford it on my own. I live in North Carolina, and I didnt know if anyone knew of some organization that might help people with this. I am open to any suggestions. Thanks!    — Babbles (posted on August 3, 2008)

August 3, 2008
Contact your local plastic surgeons. I know there is a hospital in RI that does the skin removal pro bono for the local trauma unit and the skin and tissue removed is donated to burn victims or kids that need it for skin grafts. The donors in turn get a donation certificate as a tax write off and they give you so much money per pound of tissue and skin that can be used. A friend of mine had it done and they "paid" her $500 for the tissue/skin. -- Karen in MA
   — Karen M.

August 3, 2008
I also know that if the extra skin is making sores, that insurance will pay if it is medically necessary per doctors request. Sue
   — [Deactivated Member]

August 3, 2008
If you are getting sores, rashes and such make sure to document it and have the plastic surgeon you feel comfortable with submit them to your insurance. That is what I did and my insurance paid for my tummy tuck and arm lift. I turned in over 50 pictures of sores along with receipts for prescription creams my pcp gave me and receipts from all of my appts. with my pcp.
   — tazfan

August 3, 2008
Unfortunately, there are some insurances that have it written explicitly written out of their policy as they classify it as cosmetic. They do not care if you have sores, yeast infections, rashes, or that it is a condition that hampers movement or participation in regular activities. That happened in my case and I had to self pay. There are lending opportunities out there to help and sometimes a plastic surgeon will set up a time payment with you. Good luck!
   — AlleeM

August 4, 2008
I live in California and what I have been told is that there are plastic surgeons who work with burn survivors and will do the skin removal surgery for a reduced cost or even free. I have not confirmed this but you may ask your doctor about this or start calling around. Good Luck!
   — pjlewis1

August 4, 2008
Check with a plastic surgeon in your area and see if they could finance your surgery for you, my niece had a tummy tuck done and the surgeon financed for her, it's worth a try.
   — humper

August 4, 2008
I read and was told that the burn center / skin donation thing is a myth... that extra skin from people who've had WLS isn't suitable for skin grafts because its lost its elasticity and that most skin grafts are either take from one part of the body and moved to another or grown in the lab using the patients own cells because its safer/easier/less complications. With that said, would some please email me and tell me, specifically, what doctor/hospital are doing free surgery in exchange for skin. I always here about friends and friends of friends, so for those of you who know people who has had surgery, please, please, please send me a private message or email (mrsidknee at gmail dot com) and give me the name of a doctor(s), hospital, clinic, whatever where it is being done. Unless you are having significant medical issues (rash, infection, mobility impairment, pain, etc.) from excess skin, most charitable organizations aren't going to help with a cosmetic surgery because they have a limited amount of money and lots of people who need help with medically necessary surgery. Realistically, if this is really important to you, you need to think about getting a loan or putting it on a credit card. There are some special loans (lower interest, I think) that are meant for people who want to finance medical/dental procedures and surgery. Good luck to you!
   — mrsidknee

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