Gas what can i do for it is sometimes painful and doesnt want to come out?

well i had gastric bypass done 3 days ago and iv'e been getting alot of gas and sometimes painful anyone out their with any suggestions please help.    — Stacy M. (posted on May 8, 2008)

May 8, 2008
Not to be the bearer of bad news but I am almost 5 yrs out and i still get bad gas and pains. I think you have to make sure you eat and drink slower. I sit all day to so i noticed that that is when most of my pain is. You also have to walk. Walking gets things moving. Since the intestines are so short that is the reason for the gas problem. I spoke to my dr about it and there is something you can take I forget the name of it though. If you call them they can tell you. Good Luck
   — Joanc

May 8, 2008
I'm 3 1/2 months out and the gas you have right after surgery (for 10 days or so) is worse than what I have now. During surgery they apparently pump air into your chest to help seperate things from one another to make the surgery easier (this is what I"ve heard and I apologize if it's not true). ANyway, you still have this air or gas in your chest and it does hurt and feels very should be getting better everyday though. What I was left with is just "regular" gas..sometimes maybe a little worse than befoe I had surgery but certainly not painful. Hope this helps.
   — cjjordan

May 8, 2008
I had bypass in December and remember the horrible gas pains after surgery. They lasted for about 10 days. I still get pain every once in a while, but got it alot after surgery. Most people experience this. So here's what you can do: you can take Mylicon - this is baby gas medicine...You can take twice as much as recommended for toddlers. You can get Mylicon at Walmart or any grocery store or pharmacy. You can also take the chewable gas x..anything that says simethicone...its gentle and pretty effective. These can also be found at walmart or pharmacy or grocery store. Another technique that helps get the gas out is to lay on your stomach and count to 10, then role to one side and count to 10, then lay on your back and count to 10, then the other side and count to this process twice. Then get on your hands and knees with your shoulders lower than your backside (so like you're going to take a kid on a 'horsey' ride on your back but keep your shoulders closer to the ground)...this forces the gas out. I know it sounds silly...but when you're in that much pain this is the ONLY thing that has helped me just get the gas out. My pain after surgery would make it hard for me to breathe and I'd end up pacing back in forth in the living room. Taking gas x and doing this rolling on the floor ALWAYS relieved my pain and helped me get back to sleep. Hope this helps! Good luck on your new adventure! I had surgery Dec 3rd and am already down 70 lbs!!!! Its worth every gas pain I experienced. :0)
   — MandyR

May 8, 2008
Hi Stacy I had lap RNY 3 days ago also. I don't have that much gas pain so to speak but alot of feeling like i have to go to the bathroom. hope your feeling better soon
   — bikermama

May 8, 2008
For post ops 6 months after surgery --exercise, you will feel so much better if you do this on a regular basis.
   — debmi

May 8, 2008
Well -- gas will become your newest friend. I've noticed if I eat the chewable benefiber tablets I get more gas so I'm going back to the powder. I sit all day on my job and the gas builds up; often times I have to go to the bathroom just to cut one. Once I leave the blding for the day on the way to my car -- it's own. My doctor said working out and movement helps reduce the gas and I'm finding that to be true. Right now you can't take tablets right now but as soon as you can start taking beano before you eat. And since you are only 3 days out you should still be on liquids for a week -- not proteins -- but just liquids. Remember your stomach is still healing. I didn't start getting gas until weeks after and didn't have a bowl movement for about 4-5 days and that was the norm. Yes the gas can be painful; however, we gotta let it out. Even prior to surgery fresh fruit gave me gas and now that it's a daily part of my diet, beano is my best friend -- I should check their stock. Well -- happy flagulation.
   — the7thdean

May 8, 2008
I haven't had my surgery yet, but our surgical group says the best thing you can do for the post op gas is walk, walk, walk. It'll help the gas dispell quicker.
   — obeseforever

May 8, 2008
Gas is normal and can be quite painful. Try the new GasX strips, available at drug and grocery stores. The strip goes on the tounge and disolves there and works super fast....They go with me everywhere! Gena
   — Gena L.

May 8, 2008
I didn't have all that much gas but I did have some. I was told that walking, walking and more walking would help it to work its way out. It also was suggested to me by a few different people that also had the gastric bypass to take gas X strips. They really worked well. I hope it gets better soon. Best of luck to you. Tammie
   — Nuttin2no1

May 9, 2008
Wow, even though I am a somewhat new nursing student I can actually answer this question. Walking is always best! Our intestines and stomach get lots of help with peristalsis (digestion) when we move around, moving around helps break those gas bubles up and makes them "easier" to pass. If walking is a problem try sitting and rocking your abdomen slightly back and forth. The rocking movement will help to break the gas bubbles as well. I hope this helps!
   — Nathansgurl2004

May 9, 2008
walk walk walk
   — lanaph

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