Sugar Free Peeps

Just a quick note I found the Sugar Free Peeps that was posted on a earlier page they are on Sale at Rite Aide    — campnwego (posted on March 14, 2008)

March 14, 2008
I love Peeps! But I checked their nutritional information, and although they're advertised as sweetened with Splenda 3 (a package) have maltitol, and sorbitol listed before sucralose (Splenda), and 23 Gm of sugar alcohol. Not what we're supposed to be having, so I guess I'll still be staying away from Easter treats. :-(
   — obeseforever

March 14, 2008
I didn't look at the package someone was looking for them and I was just telling you where to purchase not sure if I would of eaten them but won't for sure now. Thanks
   — campnwego

March 14, 2008
I found at Wal-Green's sugar free chocolate Easter Bunnie's. I know not to eat it all the time, but a bite for a "special treat" once in a while. They also advertised sugar free easter eggs but were out of them. They both were made by Russell Stover. Just a little tidbit. 11 months out and down 138 lbs.
   — GrammaAnn

March 14, 2008
Careful with that sugar alcohol...It still makes me dump! And anything marshmellow leaves me in pain for a good hour not to mention the nice little stink bombs that follow for a while! :) Just a thought! I heard that those who can tolerate them, like them frozen...I'm not even going to try! I'd rather eat
   — .Anita R.

March 14, 2008
I love those and have not been able to find them in my area this year. Sugar alcohols make some folks sick, but hey if you do not eat them all at once you should not have a problem. I am going to Rite Aid tomorrow.
   — Kriola

March 14, 2008
I found them at super wal-mart
   — Susan M.

March 15, 2008
I have not tried them since I never liked them before, but my hubby is a diabetic and he LOVES them, I managed to find a candystore on ebay and got a whole easter basket ready for him including a chocolate bunny, all sugar free. I do however love the sugar free jelly bellys, yummy.
   — noboat4u

March 15, 2008
I also found these Sugar Free Peeps at Wal-Mart in Wasilla.
   — Shy777

March 21, 2008
Very interesting, I was just saying after shopping at WalMart in my home town in Mass that I didn't see any sugar free easter candy and I was thinking about the children who are diabetic. Even the made up baskets I saw were all regular candy. I know Russell Stovers does have bags of sugar free candy (the peppermint patties are my all time favorite). There are other types of candy that are sugar free also, like hard candy peppermints, coffee flavor, etc. But eating more than 1 or two can give me alot of rummbling in my tummy if you know what I mean lol. Is good for a treat once in awhile.
   — niecie54

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