My doctor has put me on birth control to help with periods before considering an hyst

oretomy. I have gained back 5 pounds in one week and been sick everytime I eat. Has anyone else had this happen and what did you do? I'm not getting my protein or any food that isn't making me sick. Help.......Treva Deck    — TrevaDeck150 (posted on October 18, 2007)

October 18, 2007
Hi. I had the same problem with heavy bleeding for MANY years. The blood loss actually resulted in severe anemia that required iron transfusions! Last year I had to finally do something about the monthly blood loss. I went to a different GYN and she suggested that I try the "Merina" IUD. It's an intrauterine device that she puts in (in the office in less than five minutes). The device releases hormones in the uterus only and stays in place for up to five years!!! It's awesome. I haven't had my period since I got it!!! Needless to say, my iron level is coming back to normal level and I feel so much better not bleeding like that. Hope this helps. Look Merina up on Google. You'll be glad you did. Rose RNY June 2002
   — RNY2002

October 18, 2007
If you are sure that you don't want any more children, look into endometrial ablation. It's a procedure your GYN does that destroys the lining, and we end up with either no or very light bleeding. It's an outpatient procedure, much less drastic than a hysterectomy. But you can't have children afterwards.
   — LisaHillsinger

October 18, 2007
My doc didnt recommend BC pills due to the fact that we malabsorb. I did have an endometrial ablation done a few years ago. Most women that have this done find that their periods are much lighter afterwards, 10% quit the bleedding completely and for the other 10% it doesnt work at all. In my case unfortunately, after a while my periods became heavy again and I had a hysterectomy. But thats me, it will very likely work for you. Check it out with your doc! Good luck!
   — Kris T.

October 18, 2007
Well, I had my tubes tied and I still had to be on bc's. Honey, I sympathize with you. I also had to have a part. hys. last year b/c of the beginning of uterine cancer. You are gaining water weight and they do make you eat. I f I were you I would stop them, and ask him/her for some hormones. I hate that you are going through this. I also know your emotions are running wild and so are your thoughs. Just hang in there. I think you should find a more considerate doctor that will help you instead of making things worse. I know that sounds bad. Why would you ant to keep trying something that you have a feeling that will not work? The bc's make you cramp more, and there are other comp's with it. You will be in my prayers..
   — D. goza

October 19, 2007
i take yaz 28's its great
   — Nurse343

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