has anyone had the lapband after lap rny because you didn't lose enough weight?

   — davoluptuousone (posted on August 27, 2007)

August 28, 2007
I don't know if the band could be done after rny. The rny can be done after the lapband however. I don't think the band would have anywhere to put it on.
   — geneswife

August 29, 2007
I have the lapband. I did not have the RNY previously, however there are 3 girls here in my KC area support group that I know that did have the RNY and convert to a band several years later due to regaining their weight after their stomach streched back out.
   — TheGh0st

September 24, 2007
There's not much they can do after an RNY. If the person took their health seriously and didn't think of this as a quick fix, and tried and got over the plateau's. I think it would have worked. You have to be careful and not let it stretch out again. There are so many people out there that have to go back for a revision. Maybe they should be thinking about a revision.
   — D. goza

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