How much alcohol has some one drank after lap band

Has any one had more than two mixed drinks after the band,and how did it effect you?    — Sandy Hanson (posted on April 20, 2007)

April 20, 2007
Givem that the Lap-Band is puely a restrictive device alcohol shouldn't have anymore of of an issue than you did pre-op. In a gastric bypass the portion of intestines that absorbs sugars and some calories isn't connected to your new stomach. When a bypass patient drinks alcohol it is dumped directly into your system and you feel the effects REALLY fast. I had bypass and I tried a drink last week. One Shimernoff(spelling) and I was loaded!
   — tazthewiz23

April 20, 2007
Alcohol is Loaded with Sugars. Why would anyone even reaching goal want to try loading your system with Sugar thus adding weight back on? If you going to Test your Weight Losing Tool, do it at Home! Rather than chancing that you might Kill someone going home!
   — Michael Eak

April 20, 2007
I don't drink mixed drinks, but I've had a glass of wine or two on occassion. The affect it had on me was no different than before the band. I would steer clear of anything that's carbonated, though, it can stretch your pouch. Also, sugar is an issue, be careful about how much you're taking in. One mixed drink can be loaded with calories and sugar. Dry white wines are probably the least damaging. I seldom drink, but I don't deny myself for a special event. I'm learning my limitations and learning to live with them. I try to live in moderation with everything I do or I begin to feel deprived and different and start to feel resentful. That can be pretty damaging. My weight loss might be going along more slowly, but I'm very satisfied with my progress! Also I agree with the previous writer, don't drink anything if you plan to drive.
   — Debra R.

April 21, 2007
i think the sugar in the drinks should not be the issue i have had a few here and there and i was fine also i did a shot and it hit me hard like i had a automatic buzz.. It does change the way you drink and i am 6 months out and have lost a little over 100 pounds and i even drink soft drinks and i have had a total of 2 fills and i am doing great. Need any advice don't esitate to ask me.. and good luck with your goal
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 22, 2007
I will say this not to make anyone scared to drink, but think about it twice before doing so. My sister had Gastric bypass R N Y July 28th 2006. She was a heavy drinker before wls and started back 1 month after having wls. Friday her and some family members go to bingo and as usual they drink while there. My sister had 4 beers and about 2 ozs of Gin. She started to feel bad and needed to urinate, but she could not. 30 minutes later she was being rushed to the ER passed out non responsive. I get to the ER and my son picks her up from the car they brought her in and places her on the rolling bed. She was lifeless and limp. They get her prepped with IV's and try to get her to wake up. It took them about 45 minutes before they could get her to respond. I watched my sisters eyes roll back in her head and foam come from her mouth. As I explained to the doctors she had Gastric bypass 9 months ago and that she had been drinking and how much I was told they then had to determine what they could do for her. Her gastric bypass surgeon was called. They pumped her full of fluids and monitered her to see what other measures to take. They had to place her on a breathing machine cause her breathing was very shallow. They ran tests and did X-rays and by 3 am she started to come around. This all scared the hell out of me and her kids. They placed her in intensive care and she is doing better but her bladder is spasming so bad from the amount of alcohol she drank that she is in a lot of pain. They have called in a kidney specialist and she may have to have surgery to fix whatever is wrong. All this came from drinking and if anyone wants to drink it is up to them when they do not know what the consequences may be if you have had WLS of any kind. It is dangerous to do so in my opinion. Irish aka Ms Pisces
   — mspisces

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